
I shifted with a groan and snuggled deeper into my bed. I never wake up this warm. Everything from the day before came rushing back to me. I groaned and forced myself to open my eyes. I blinked lazily and realized that I was laying on Stiles. He started stroking my back and I knew that he was awake, too. I looked up to see him watching me. He looked so stoic. It seems like to opposite of his nature. His lips curved into a smirk and a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes.

"Morning sleeping beauty," he said. I rolled my eyes, as I tried not to smile. "How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Better than I have in a long time. For the first time in forever, I didn't dream. It was really nice." I replied, stifling a yawn.

"We don't have to get up yet." He told me. I shrugged, sitting up.

"We should, if we still want to go by the Nemeton." I reminded him. He nodded, but showed no signs of getting up. I got out of bed and became painfully aware that I hadn't put much on, after our shower. I folded my arms over my chest to hide the fact that I didn't have a shirt on. Stiles bit his lip and moved over to me. He got out of bed and walked over to me. He settled his hands on his hips and I glanced down his body, looking him over. He looks damn good in only boxer briefs. I looked up at him and saw him doing the same. I blushed and looked away. "I need to get dressed." I breathed.

He nodded, but didn't let go of me. His thumbs rubbed circles on my hips. He nuzzled my neck, before kissing me. I had to fight myself, so I wouldn't get lost in the kiss. It's so easy to get lost in Stiles. There's just something about him that pulls me in.

"I should let you get dressed, so I don't start something neither of us are ready for." He said, his voice like silk. I shuddered against him. I looked up at him and saw something looking under the surface. It was more of an aura. My magic was picking up on it. There's so much more to Stiles. I don't know if he's hiding it on purpose or if he just don't realize that he is so much more than he's letting on. Either way, I want to find out what it is.

"There's more to you, Stiles. I know there is, even if you don't." I mused, aloud. His lips curved into a smirk. He didn't deny or confirm, but his smirk said enough.

"Everyone has a few secrets. Just know that I would never hurt you. You enchant me in a way that no one ever has. It's unsettling, but I can't get enough." He admitted, sheepishly, as he ran a hand through his hair and hung his head. I nodded, because I do understand. That's exactly how I feel about him. That admission sounds more like him. Maybe I was making something out of nothing.

Stiles and I held hands, as we walked to the Nemeton. Even from a ways away, I could already feel the difference around us. The air was electric and I could feel the surge of energy. It made me feel drunk on power and I never wanted to leave it. Everything feels heightened, while I'm here. Is that why I crave it?

I stopped, and laid back on the Nemeton, when we reached it. Stiles sat beside me and ran his fingers through my hair, while I let go and let the power flow through me. I hummed appreciatively at his ministrations and the intensity of it all. I felt clarity.

Stiles laid with me and touched his lips to mine. As soon as we were connected, I felt a jolt of magic shoot through us. I cried out. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and began to feel me up, as I got lost in the sensation. I felt a familiar pull at my subconscious and I felt like I was free-falling into another vision.

I saw Stiles with me. We were at the Nemeton, but it was sometime in the future. He was disrobing me. We were on the Nemeton together and I saw us begin to make love. My breath hitched, as the vision shifted. Something happened, there was a bond forged between us. Something that changed us. I could feel it, but I couldn't see it. An Alpha pack was trying to attack him. I let my magic pour through me and desecrated them all. There were more enemies, so many foes. I couldn't stop them all, but I wasn't fighting alone. We were together, always together.

I broke the kiss and pulled away from him, trying to catch my breath and my bearings. I closed my eyes and tried to make sense of everything. What does all of this mean?

Void Stiles' POV

Her pull is getting stronger and harder to ignore, not that I try to. Her vision surprised me. I didn't think the Nemeton was that powerful. It makes sense that this would help fortify our bond. Nothing will take Bonnie away from me, once we're bonded. I'm sure of it. She will be mine. I will kill anyone who tries to stop me or come between us. She's still so innocent, so pure.

Slowly, I've begun to corrupt her. I know that she wasn't ready to be as physical as was last night. I also knew that she wouldn't stop me, not if the situation was right. Lust and satisfying her help distract her from the bigger picture.

By the time I reveal who I really am, it will be too late. She will be too far gone and we'll be bound. Once she gets a taste of what I can offer her, she won't want to quit me. She's already proven to be easily seduced by power. She got her to fill of magic from the Nemeton her first night in Beacon Hills and she can't get enough.

She will be a dark goddess, by the time I'm done with her. The world will tremble at our feet. She won't need any ties to her humanity. I've already started my corruption. It's only a matter of time until she's completely unrecognizable. She will be ruthless and devout to me. She will be my equal and I can't wait to see it.