
Stiles and I walked into Derek's loft hand in hand. It's my first official meeting all of the pack. My skin is vibrating with energy, but not nerves. I felt calmer and more powerful after recharging at the Nemeton. It helped that Stiles was with me.

He didn't let go of my hand, once we were inside. We sat down next to each other and he put a hand on my thigh and stroked it, lazily. I'm not sure when I became with this much physical affection or even this much affection in public. I was finding that I didn't mind it. It helped calm me.

Lydia noticed it first. Scott, too, but neither said anything. Being this close to Stiles made something inside of me come to life. I didn't feel the endless pain that grieving Jeremy gave me, not as much as before. It was dulled down. I was still hurting, but it wasn't as prominent. Stiles offered me that distraction. I didn't have time to dwell on it. I knew that it wasn't healthy, but I didn't care.

"I wanted to introduce Bonnie to everyone on better circumstances, but we live in Beacon Hills. We shared a vision last night... It didn't reveal enough to let us know what was coming, just that something is. It's something that is going to rip us apart and hurt us to our core. There will be casualties and injuries. I'm not sure if we can best this, but I know that we have to try." Lydia explained.

Stiles slipped his fingers into mine and I held on tightly. Dread filled my body and I couldn't stop it.

"She's right. Our vision was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I don't know your situation here, but if you guys have friends anywhere who would be willing to help fight, now would be a good time to ask them. There were so many. All of the bloodsheds was horrifying. It's a question if it will come to pass because it will. But, maybe if we train and better prepare, we'll stand a better chance." I spoke up. Everyone looked over at me and nodded in agreement.

Scott and Derek stood up and started talking about strategies. I felt myself start to shut down and retreat into myself. I couldn't focus. I knew that I needed to, but I couldn't.

"Hey, is she okay?" I heard Jackson ask. A shock ran through Stiles' hand into mine and I jumped. He cupped the side of my face with his palm and I looked over at him. Whatever that was, pulled me out of my spiral. There was that glint in his eye, again.

"Are you with me?" He asked, quietly. I forced myself to nod. "We're going to get through this. Don't shut down on me. We need you now." He told me. I nodded, again. "Bonnie," he pressed.

"I'm here. I'm here." I repeated. That seemed to satisfy him. I glanced around the room to see all eyes on me. I knew that they could sense the anguish that was threatening to pull me under. I tried to clear my mind and be present. He's right they need me.

They went through introductions and I tried to offer friendly smiles. Stiles and I stayed in our embrace for the entirety of the meeting. No one said anything about it.

Derek and Peter asked if I would be willing to meet up with them later in the day to brainstorm and I agreed. Lydia suggested they let me rest a bit first. I welcomed the suggestion. I needed to be anywhere else to get my bearings.

Void Stiles' POV

Bonnie was sinking and I could feel it. Her pain was beautiful and glorious. It fed me in ways that I craved. I used Stiles' spark to shock her enough to pull her out of it. She looked grateful and suspicious. I haven't been trying to hide that I was more than just this boy, not really. Her curiosity was driving her deeper in her infatuation with me. I welcomed it.

She was made for me. Our touching felt natural. It felt like she was becoming an extension of myself. It's what I crave. Slowly, she's losing more of herself, more of her weaknesses, and becoming more like me. It's only a matter of time.

She's taking to my persuasion beautifully. I just have to keep playing my part. I can't wait to see the devastation of the pack, once they realize that we will be their demise, not their salvation.