
hurt, after I go out of my way to help someone else, but I can't stop? How do I say that it doesn't help me, but I couldn't live with myself with more bloodshed on my conscience?

"I don't have a good answer." I murmured. Even as I said it, I had a feeling that he knew what I was going to say already. Stiles has this unnerving ability to see right through me. I still can't tell if it's a godsend or a weakness.

"I didn't mean to say it like it was a bad thing…" His voice trailed off. He didn't sound remorseful, not really. If anything, he seemed to be thinking hard about something.

"Okay." I breathed. I wasn't struggling with being pulled under with crushing waves of grief. I was distracted and I didn't feel healthy, per se. I wasn't thriving, but I was better than I was, when I first arrived at Beacon Hills. I knew that whatever this is with Stiles was helping that. I still didn't feel like my old self. Though, truth be told, I didn't know if I ever would.

"What are you thinking about?" Stiles asked me, instead. I bit my lip, while I mulled over my response.

"Just that I doubted I would ever feel like the person I used to be." I shrugged.

"Is that a bad thing, though? They said what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And you're definitely a strong woman." He offered. I felt heat spread across my face. I knew that I was blushing. Sometimes, I wish I could see myself as he sees me. The way he spoke of my strength didn't leave any room for argument. It was just fact to him. If only he knew that strong was the last thing that I felt like.

"I'll take your word for it." I sighed. "Any luck deciphering any of this?" I asked him, referring to the visions. We didn't tell anyone about the vision of us that we shared. I didn't know what to make of it or if it was worth sharing with the pack. It showed that Stiles and I were going to get even more powerful together and that we would defeat our enemies. But… it felt like there was so much more lurking under the surface of that vision. I had a feeling that I hadn't been shown the most important parts.

"None. I have a feeling that until something else happens or someone brings the fight to us, we might be stuck in the dark." He used. He's right. None of us are psychic. There's only so much we can do.

"Shit." I muttered. He reached for me and pulled me onto his lap. I relaxed against him. I haven't asked him what he thought of the vision of the two of us. I was afraid to. I wasn't sure that I was ready to hear his answer. I've accepted that there is something between us, but we haven't defined anything. I wasn't sure if I wanted to. But at the same time, we were basically together without the title. What was holding me back?

I already knew that answer. It was Jeremy. I still loved him. Was I ready to really move on? Did it matter, if I was basically together with Stiles, anyway?

"We'll face whatever comes. It's all we can do." He told me. I nodded, in agreement.

"Okay," I agreed.

"The other vision, though, that was unexpected." He said, bringing up the subject that I had been carefully avoiding.

"Very," I said, keeping my answers short. I'm sure that he had picked up on the shift in my mood. He's too perceptive for comfort.

"We don't have to make it into something that it's not. We both knew that we were heading somewhere with whatever this is. I don't want anyone else and I don't think that you want to stop seeing me. Whatever happens, happens. We don't have to push things." He suggested. I looked up at him to gauge his sincerity. I didn't see anything but sincerity and a glint of mystery. But I'm beginning to think that the air of mystery and mischief is just Stiles.

"Stiles…" I started to try to convey what I was feeling into words, until I realized I didn't know what I wanted to say.

"Am I wrong? We're basically together already. Everyone in the pack knows that you're my girl. Do you not want to be?" He pressed. I bit down on my bottom lip harder than I attended. I winced, when I tasted blood. His gaze dropped to my mouth. I licked the blood away, before answering him.

"I'm not saying that. I just… I don't know. Does this really need a title?" I shrugged, still dragging my feet on the issue.

"Why shouldn't we have one? If we're already together, what use is it to pretend that we aren't?" He argued. I knew that he was right. I just didn't know if I was ready for it to be so official.

"So, you want me to call you my boyfriend?" I asked, sarcastically, not bothering to mask how annoyed I felt. The corners of his lips quirked up.

"Yes," he admitted. My heart fell like it plummeted into my stomach. I guess we really are doing this.

"Okay," I relented. He beamed at me, sheepishly. He leaned down and kissed me. I felt all of my hesitation dissipate. I relaxed in his embrace and let myself kiss him back. His tongue flicked over my bottom lip and he groaned, before slipping his tongue into my mouth. He moved a hand behind my head and his other hand on my hip. He kissed me hungrily and I knew that this was probably heading to more too fast for comfort. "Stiles," I rasped, moving my mouth away from his. He just moved his mouth to my neck and bit down, teasingly. I gasped and bucked my hips against his. He moved his hand to my stomach, before moving it further south. I sucked in a breath, as he rubbed me through my clothes. "Anyone could walk in. We should stop." I whispered.

"That's half of the fun." He disagreed. He made no signs of stopping and I wanted me to let him continue. I heard a door open and I jumped. Stiles held onto me tighter, but pulled back. His hand moved faster and I glared at him. He smirked at me, like he dared me to say something. He knew that I didn't want to get caught. He wasn't wrong. It made it that much hotter. I just didn't want to be that girl. But if I say something now, I'll just draw attention to our situation.

He used his free hand to slip under my shirt and caress my chest. He pinched my nipple through my shirt and moved his other hand in just the right way that I slammed into my orgasm. He crushed his lips to mine just in time to quiet any sounds. He forced my mouth open and slipped his tongue inside. It was all I could do to kiss him back. He moved his hands, slowly, so I could ride out my release. He pulled away and moved his hands to more innocent places, as I panted against him.

"You okay, girlfriend?" He asked, innocently. I didn't have the energy to glare at him.

"Don't do that again." I glowered at him.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He lied. He didn't even try to make it sincere. "Why don't we head to my place and watch a movie? You can pack a change of clothes and stay over." He suggested. That actually sounded nice.

"I should take a shower first." I told him.

"Or you could grab your clothes and we could shower together." His voice grew husky and worked wonders for my libido. I just came and I was ready to go again. "Worrying about something that hasn't happened yet, won't get us anywhere. We can't stop it, when we don't know what we're supposed to stop. You could use the distraction and we have only been on one date. We can order food and we can make a night of it." The rest of his proposition sounded innocent enough. I had a feeling that it would be anything but. I haven't known him long or been seeing him long, but I knew we would probably be sleeping together sooner than later. It's getting harder and harder to say no to him, when I want it, too.

"Yeah, okay," I agreed, because I couldn't think of a good reason not to. Just what am I getting myself into?

Void Stiles' POV

Bonnie was getting easier to manipulate. She was still hesitant, but I expected that. She was blissfully unaware of her power and her potential. She's giving into me easier. It's only a matter of time, before welcoming the darkness is her first instinct. She follows me lead easily enough.

There's only so much acting I have to do. She always answers me honestly. That might be her downfall. She makes it easy to coax her. She let me get her off, when she knew that someone would most likely catch us. She didn't speak up, because she was afraid of getting caught. So, she just let have my way. She wanted it as much as I did. Someday soon, she's going to believe me, when I tell her how strong and powerful she is. She doesn't realize that I wouldn't waste my time on someone who wasn't worthy.

I'll be damned if I let anyone else have her. I've tasted her and I refuse to let her go. She's mine. And by default, I've become hers. She's already feeding my appetite and helping me become stronger.

The more time we spend together, the harder it will be to pull us apart. The more time we spend at the Nemeton charging our powers, the better. Once we consummate our relationship there, there will be no way to break us up. I can handle sifting through her morals, if it means that she will be immersed in my darkness, as the result.

We will help Scott's pack as long as it serves us. With any luck, some of them will join us, after they find out who I am. There's hope for Lydia. She's too smart and too powerful to follow them blindly into their heroics.