
"Hey, are you ready to head out?" Stiles asked me, his aura reeking of nervousness. I looked over at him and nodded. Despite my best efforts, I just felt numb again. I was trying to stay focused and not lose myself to my thoughts, but I was still getting pulled under.

"I need to apologize to you. I've been pushing you with the physical intimacy. I won't do it, anymore. You asked me to stop earlier and I didn't. I got carried away and I'm sorry." Stiles apologized. I forced myself to focus on his words, so I could process what he was saying. Everything was just so foggy.

"Part of me enjoyed it… I just… I'm not ready for more. I don't even know if I'm ready for this much, but I'm trying to be. I'm a literal mess and I don't know why you even want me. I don't even want me." I replied, before grabbing my bag and getting out of the jeep.

I didn't give him a chance to respond, but I didn't know if I even cared about what he had to say. I just felt so off balance. I kind of wish that I was at home talking with Lydia. She never takes more that I'm willing to give. It's not like that with Stiles. He seems to demand so much, even if he doesn't realize it. I'm just so drained.

"Bonnie, hey," Stiles said, as he grabbed my waist to keep me from walking away. I stilled and forced myself to look up at him. "I want you, because you're one of the strongest people in this town. You keep fighting, even when everything in your body tells you to give up. You're beautiful and you're just doing your best to heal and keep it together. Anyone would have to be blind or stupid not to want you." He lamented.

Everything about him oozed sincerity. I knew that he meant it, but I can't quiet that nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that there is something that he's hiding from me.

"He's right, sweetheart. Why do you think I propositioned you your first night in Beacon Hills?" Peter added, as he and Derek walked up to us. I just rolled my eyes.

"Lydia said you were here. I thought we could go for a walk and ask you about your vision a little more. You could use the air. Your anxiety feels intense from here." Derek explained. I knew this wolf could pick up on my emotions, better than humans can.

"Let me take my bag inside, then we can go." I told them.

"I can take it for you." Stiles offered. He didn't look happy that I was leaving, but he can just be unhappy. I don't think there is anything I can add to our conversation.

"Thank you. I just need time and I need you to stop pushing." I told him. He nodded, looking reluctant.

"Yeah, of course, whatever you need." He agreed, immediately. He took my bag from me and took it inside. Derek offered me his arm and I took it, surprising us both. Peter walked next to us, but didn't try to touch me. He knew better.

"Bonnie… it may not be my place, but both Derek and I know what it's like to have PTSD. If you ever need someone to talk to about it, we're here for you. Pack helps pack." Peter proposed. My steps slowed and I glanced over at him.

So, he thinks that I have PTSD… Do I? Maybe he's right? It's just something that's never occurred to me. Well, shit.

"I appreciate that. Thank you/." I whispered, not completely trusting my voice.

"And if you ever feel uncomfortable or if Stiles pushes you for more that you're ready for, I can talk with him." Derek offered. I bit my lip, silently wishing that this entire conversation would end.

"I – okay. Thank you. I can handle it and if I can't, I'll tell you or Lydia." I agreed, not sure if there was truth to my words or not.

"We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Peter apologized.

"I know." I assured them. Peter reached over and let his hand hover over my arm, awkwardly. I sighed and took his hand in mine. I felt grounded. At that moment, I realized that I had accepted them as pack.

"Have you ever felt anything like your vision before?" Derek asked me. I shook my head.

"We could go to the Nemeton and see if you pick up on anything else." Peter suggested. As much as the thought scared me, I found myself agreeing.

I walked with them over to the Nemeton and laid back across the stump. Peter and Derek laid down on either side of me and touched their hands to mine. If I have another vision, this should help them get pulled in, since it worked with Lydia and Stiles.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the gentle strum of magic flowing through me. I can feel the forest. There is darkness here, a lot of it. But there is also light. Everything is twisted together. IT feels like the Nemeton is trying to purge itself of everything that isn't pure.

I can feel the magic moving over me – moving through me. It's filling me up. I don't have any more room for fear or doubt. Here, I only exist. I was vaguely aware of tears streaming down my face. I feel connected to the earth here. I didn't realize how much my magic was aching for it.

I was being pulled under and I knew it was another vision. I saw the three of us brainstorming at Derek's loft. Stiles was noticeably absent. That part felt significant, but I didn't know why. Did something change?

I saw flashes of a brunette woman, but she was morphing into something grotesque. She was another being, altogether. She exuded dark magic. There was an evil inside of her that unnerved me. She was coming here to Beacon Hills.

But there was someone else, who would be coming here first. He was an alpha – a strong one. He wore sunglasses, as he spoke with Scott and Derek. He was giving them a warning.

I gasped as I came out of the vision. Peter and Derek were curled around me, protectively. My mind was racing. Maybe they understood the vision, because I didn't. I had never seen those people before.

"So, Jennifer isn't dead." Peter sighed.

"Who's Jennifer?" I asked, enjoying the heat they emitted.

"A Darach… and my ex-girlfriend." Derek grunted. I let out a giggle and I couldn't stop. This is probably the wrong reaction to have, but it's the funniest thing I've heard in a long while. Feeling drunk off of the Nemeton's raw power, probably isn't helping.

"Who was the other guy? An ex-boyfriend?" I teased, after my laughter slowed.

"Deucalion, an alpha, a powerful one. He helped us defeat her last time. He's known as the Demon Wolf. If he's coming to warn us, maybe he'll be willing to help us, again. We need to prepare for the worst. We don't know if Jennifer is coming alone." Peter explained. My head was swimming. It's a lot to take in.

None of us said much, on the walk back to Stiles. We stayed in the woods a while longer, until I felt grounded enough to leave.

We exchanged numbers and they promised to keep me updated if they found anything else out. They were going to speak with Deaton.

Stiles didn't look happy at the fact that we were all holding hands, when we got back to his place. I was thankful that we were, because the touch was giving me the comfort I needed to keep it together.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked me. His tone was appropriate, but his eyes told a different story.

"Jennifer didn't die. She's coming to Beacon Hills. Deucalion is coming to warn Scott. Bonnie had another vision." Derek relayed what happened and Stiles' expression visibly softened.

"Shit," he muttered.

"Indeed. Will you be alright, sweetheart? Or would you rather come with us to Deaton's?" Peter inquired. I mulled over my options.

"I would feel better, if I came to Deaton's, too." I murmured. "Can you grab my bag, Stiles? I'm sorry. I'm not up for a movie night. I'm exhausted. This has taken a lot out of me."

"Yeah, of course. I want to come, too. We can have a movie night, whenever. You should rest." He agreed.

Peter steered me to the backseat of Derek's SUV. I leaned my head against the window, thankful for the cool sensation.

Stiles rode in the back with me. I leaned against him with my head on his shoulder and he kept his arm around me. Peter and Derek chatted quietly, while they drove.

Deaton didn't look pleased with the information, but he took it in stride. He and Peter were coming up with a plan, as I retreated further into myself. Stiles was holding my hand and he looked up, as Derek took my other one. I hummed at the warmth.

"Let's get you home. We're done here. There isn't anything else we can do tonight. You need to rest. I'll test you in the morning." Derek announced. I nodded and Stiles glowered.

"Stop being jealous. He's pack." I told Stiles, quietly. Peter looked over at us, smirking. Stiles looked embarrassed and a little angry, before he conceded. His aura calmed.

I've been texting the three of them, while I watched a movie with Lydia in her room. Something about Stiles was still bothering me, but was I making something out of nothing?

I bit my lip and resolved to talk to her. I finally caved and spilled the tea with Lydia. Everything came spilling out. She waited, until I was finished, before she offered her take on things.

"Stiles isn't used to being chosen. I think it's natural for him to be a little jealous. He cares about you… He just doesn't want to lose you." She gave her opinion on his behavior.

"That makes sense." I told her, because it did. I just worry that there's something else. I'll just keep that to myself, for now.

Void Stiles' POV

I almost let my anger get the best of me today. I need to be better at cloaking it. Bonnie is more perceptive than I gave her credit for.

She's getting closer to the pack. I didn't want that to happen. That will make isolating her that much harder. Out bond hasn't been fortified yet.

If I push any harder, I'll lose her. And fucking Derek and Peter will be there to pick up the pieces.

I need to bide my time and play my cards right. Lydia still trusts me. She'll assure her that things are normal, because she doesn't know any better. She'll help push her back to me.

I can't give the pack a reason to be suspicious, not yet. The Darach coming couldn't be happening at a more perfect time. This is going to bring us closer together.

Bonnie will be mine. She doesn't know it yet, but she will be my queen.