
I was slow moving the next day. It felt like I was moving through a fog and I couldn't clear the haze inside my head.

Stiles was adamant about getting me out of the house. We walked hand in hand to the Nemeton. I wasn't really sure if I had agreed, but felt oddly pliant to his suggestions.

Stiles pushed me back, so I laid over the powerful tree stump. I just looked up at him. Why am I so numb? I haven't been this bad in a long time. I don't even feel like myself. It's like I'm watching everything happen.

"This will help us channel our power together, baby." Stiles told me as he started to undo my shorts. I shivered, but made no move to stop him. Is this what I saw in the vision? Is this how it comes to pass? Why don't I care that he wants to have sex with me in public? Does it even matter anymore?

He pulled off my shorts, before undoing his own. He slid off my underwear and got to his knees. I gasped, when I felt his mouth on me. It was hot and wet and different from the cold indifference I felt everywhere else. My hips jolted, as he pushed his tongue inside. I grunted, as he started to prep me. It didn't last long. He got to his feet and pushed down his boxer briefs. He rolled on a condom and moved to hover over me.

He pressed his lips to mine and I stayed unresponsive. He hooked an arm under my thigh to make more room for himself, before he thrust inside. I hissed, when I felt him. I felt full in a way that I wish I didn't. I didn't want this, not really. His eyes glowed and I felt pulled in.

"I know that you enjoy this, baby." He goaded me. I still stayed silent. The small voice in the back of my mind wanted Derek. I didn't want Stiles. I could feel him manipulating me, but I was powerless to stop it. What is he?

He used his free hand to toy with my clit. My eyes clamped shut and I could feel the pleasure that he forcing on me. He leaned his head down and mouthed along my neck. I shook my head.

"Come, baby. Let me feel it. After you come, I'm going to bite that pretty neck of yours and you're going to bite mine. We'll be mated. Mating on the Nemeton will let me pull from your power and you from mine. We're going to be unstoppable." He grunted. I kept shaking my head. I felt white hot fear. He was too far gone in what he was feeling to dull my mind.

"No," I told him. He just smirked at me with pointed teeth and flashing eyes. I could see the evil being lurking underneath his pretty skin.

He thrust harder and moved faster. I could feel my release building and prayed it would dissipate. He moved his thumb in just the right way and my back arched. I came and he opened his mouth to bite down, but a violent burst of energy shot out of me and threw him off of me. I cursed and scrambled to get my clothes on.

"You think you can get away from me?!" He roared. His eyes were dark, his skin gaunt and pale. I shivered and fear ricocheted off me in full force.

"We're not mates. You're done using your magic persuasion against me. It won't work anymore." I breathed. The Nemeton hadn't worked the way he expected it to. It pulled all of his pollution from my mind and I saw clearly. My memories were replaced. I could see through his delusions now.

"You're mine. No one else will have you!" He screamed. He took a step towards me and I channeled the elements to suck his feet into the ground. Roots surrounded his legs and he would be stuck there for a while. I didn't want to take any chances, so I ran.

I called Derek, while I ran. He met me, before I could get to Lydia's. He filled Peter in and he was talking to Lydia, before Stiles could. Derek was taking me back to his loft. I was terrified. How had I allowed that to happen to me?

I couldn't talk about it. Not the specifics. They needed to know and I couldn't talk about it. I didn't know what to say. I told them enough about him being taken over by whatever that was.

Peter suggested using his claws to watch my memories. Instead, I used my magic to project what happened to the pack. There would be no way Stiles could lie his way out of this.

Deaton knew what it was, almost immediately. A nogitsune spirit was possessing Stiles.

Derek didn't leave my side. Lydia wasn't going anywhere either. She felt terrible. I knew she did, but it wasn't her fault.

"Can I talk to you?" Derek asked. I looked over at him and nodded. Lydia hesitated. She wanted to give us space, but she didn't want to leave me alone.

"I'll be fine, Lyds. Thank you." I told her. She nodded and left.

"This... is unorthodox and I'm not suggesting that we do anything sexual, but the nogisune can't claim you, if you have another mate." Derek explained. I stared at him, confused.

"You want to mate with me?" I asked, at a loss.

"If we share the bite, you'll be my mate. I don't think we would have to consummate the mating ritual for it to take."

"I doubt that. If I had let Stiles bite me, I would still be under his persuasion. I... Shit, Derek. I appreciate what you're offering, because in theory it's one less thing he can take, but I can't go there right now. It would make you a target." I declined his offer. He nodded.

"I almost didn't bring it up. I just couldn't not offer, if I could help." He admitted

"I appreciate you for it. We just... we need to find a way to exorcise him, so that we can beat him. He's not our own problem, but he is the most pressing. The darach is still coming." I reminded him.

"We're working on it."

I couldn't stop thinking about Stiles. From day one, it wasn't even Stiles that I met. It was the spirit. He had tried to act like Stiles and his act was what pulled me in. Is that what Stiles was really like? Was he who I fell for? I had so many questions and no answers.

My phone pinged and I didn't need to look to know that it was from Stiles.

'A nogitsune on your side would do wonders against the darach. Do you really want two enemies? Together, we could wipe out anyone who opposed us, Bonnie. Give in. I almost had you. The darkness is so seductive and I know that it would become you. No remorse. No rules. Everyone would be bowing at our feet. I would kill to see you covered in black lace, joining me for eternity. Think about it.

All my love,
