
It was hard for me to drag myself out of bed the next morning. My energy felt depleted. I hadn't felt this bad, since right after Jeremy died. My head feels clearer, but my sleep was plagued with nightmares about Stiles. He's been all I can think about. My body doesn't like being so far away from him. My magic keeps reaching out for him.

I don't understand it. I can see his manipulation clearly now, and I still crave him. I know what he did to me and how he hurt me, but I don't feel the same without him. I don't feel complete and it kills me to admit it to myself.

"Bonnie, you can't stay in bed all day. We need you to help us research." Lydia said, as she came into my room, followed by Peter. I looked up at her and nodded. I winced, as the light came on.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Sweetheart, but you don't look well." Peter admitted, clearly concerned. I sighed. I don't know how to fix it, other than to see Stiles and that is dangerous in itself.

"He's right. It looks like you're more than just sick." Lydia breathed. She scrutinized my appearance and felt my forehead. "You're cold."

"It's Stiles. I haven't been away from him for this long, since I came to Beacon Hills. We started the mating ritual. He didn't bite me, but we did the rest. I feel weaker. Is that was this is?" I asked, tired and irritated.

"We need to talk to Deaton. We'll ask Chris to look through his family's grimoire." Peter said, instead of assuaging my fears.

"Shit." I mumbled, as I climbed out of bed. I was in a pair of loose sweatpants that hung low on my hips and a bralette. I knew that Peter was getting an eyeful, but I was too drained to care. He was surprisingly quiet about it. I knew that I had some bruises from Stiles that were surely on display.

"Hey, any luck getting her out of bed?" Derek asked, as he stepped into my room. I used my arms to gesture down my body, showing him that I was in fact, out of bed. "Those are from Stiles?" He pressed. I nodded, as I slipped on a cropped sweater that tended to slip off my shoulder.

"Those are from the nogitsune. Stiles, our Stiles, would never do something like that. You know that. Stiles, God, I wish you could have met him before, Bonnie. He's all of the best things that you saw in the facade and more. He's warm and funny and smart and caring. He would rather hurt himself, than hurt anyone else. When this is all over, I'll reintroduce you. I promise that this wasn't Stiles. I'm sure he's dying inside, because that spirit used his body to harm you." Lydia lamented. Her eyes filled with tears and she looked so hurt. I walked over to her and put my arms around her.

"I know, Lyds. I know." I promised that I knew that there was a difference, even if I had never truly met the man in question.

Deaton and Chris didn't bring any good news. As the day wore on, I felt progressively worse. Derek glued himself to my side and kept taking my pain away. It didn't do anything to help my fatigue. I felt so weak. I have no idea how I'm going to get out of this.

The house shook and we saw birds slamming their bodies against the windows. Everyone looked at each other with a knowing glance. They know what this is.

"The darach is here." Deaton announced. I sighed. Can things get any worse? A knock sounded on the door and Lydia went to answer it. A tall man stood before her.

"Hello Deucalion," she breathed. He offered her a small smile.

"May I come in? I believe I may be of assistance." He asked. She stepped aside and let him come inside. Derek stroked my hair and I felt the alpha's eyes on me. I didn't move from my spot, cuddled next to my friend. "She doesn't look good."

They talked and I slept. I heard the murmur of their voices, but I couldn't focus on them. I dreamt of Stiles.

"Bonnie," a soft voice sounded in my ear, as someone shook me. I opened my eyes and saw a distraught Lydia.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Jennifer's powers have grown. I'm afraid the nogitsune on our side may be the only way to beat her, before she starts killing, again. You won't be strong enough to help us, without him. You're going through a type of withdrawal. Your mating wasn't complete, but it was enough, to bind the two of you. You need him. The nogitsune is parasitic in nature. Right now, you need him, as much as he needs you. We have a plan, once Jennifer is gone to help change Stiles back." Deucalion explained. I just nodded, too tired to fight it.

"Fine," I agreed. "Don't tell me the plan. Just do it. Don't let him claim me." I closed my eyes. "Call Stiles."

"Did you finally realize that you needed me? That she needed me? You already know that you're no match for me. You're smart enough to work with me and not against me. I'll help you with your little darach problem, because that's what Bonnie wants. But make no mistake, she is mine." Stiles warned our pack, as he came inside. "Move aside, Derek." His dismissal was cold, but Derek moved all the same. His jaw was clenched and I knew he wasn't happy about it. "Miss me, baby?" The nogitsune purred, as he took Derek's place. He pulled me onto his lap and I burrowed my face into his chest.

"I wish I hadn't." I whispered. His arms went around me possessively and I trusted my magic to defend me, if he tried to bite me again. I did a spell to shield myself from forced mating that Deaton found and I prayed that it would hold.

"Sleep, baby. You need your strength. We'll need you in this fight." He said, instead. I nodded and he pressed a kiss onto my hair. I relaxed against him and tried to give into my exhaustion.

"Should we really be doing this?" Allison asked

"You really don't have a choice. Do you?" Stiles sneered.

"Stop antagonizing them. I like them more than you." I told him. He just let out a dark chuckle.

"Anything for my queen."