
I didn't try to stop Stiles from touching me. It felt like his hands were always on me, when we were in the same room. It soothed my waging magic inside my body. I knew that mating with him would be my downfall, but my body craved it. I didn't feel like I was at peace, unless I could feel him.

"You're not getting better." Lydia sighed. Stiles was showering upstairs and I was sitting between Lydia and Derek. He was siphoning my pain, again.

"I'm not getting worse. I'm better than I was. I just feel the need. This isn't going to stop, until we mate. If he doesn't claim me, it'll just grow and get worse." I shivered. Derek buried his hands in my hair and I hummed on contentment. I really like him. I wish I had met him, before I met Stiles. In another life, Derek would be an ideal partner for me. He's everything I want.

I can't consider anything but Stiles. The damage is done. I don't know what their plan is, but right now, I can't be without him.

"You're actually considering let him mate with you? You'd let him claim you?" Lydia asked, keeping her voice below a whisper. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I don't want to. I just don't see another option. Do you? I can't do this. My body and my magic can't handle it. I might be strong enough to sway him, once we claim each other. He wants to drag me into his darkness. What if I bring him into the light, instead? You need us against the darach." I lamented.

"I don't like it." Derek grumbled. I looked up at him and I knew that he was hurting, too. His wolf instincts were telling him to protect me and there was little he could do.

"I don't either, but it's all we have. We'll do it tonight. I don't think the darach is ready strike yet. We'll go, after he showers. It shouldn't take long. He just has to bite me on the Nemeton."

Almost on cue, Stiles came traipsing down the stairs. He grumbled, when he saw me curled up with Derek. I just flipped him off.

"This isn't changing. Deal with it." I hissed. His eyes flashed and he took time to let his gaze slide down my body. He smirked, appreciatively. He didn't say anything else. It's like my defiance turns him on and I don't know what to make of it.

"Do my ears deceive me, baby? Are you going to let me claim you?" He purred. I rolled my eyes and got to my feet.

"Let's just get this over with." I sighed. Stiles' smirk widened.

"You're so romantic, baby. You always saw the sweetest things to get me in the mood." He trolled, as he waited for me to get my shoes on.

"You're not going alone." Derek warned him. Stiles just shrugged. He was getting what he wanted. Why would he care?

Stiles held my hand, as we walked. The air was unnaturally cool and I had a feeling that it was because of Beacon Hills' unwelcomed guest. Derek, Chris and Lydia came with us. I'm not sure what good it will do, but it did make me feel better. We won't be sitting ducks, while we're preoccupied. But I hoped that it wouldn't make my pack-mates a target.

We got to the Nemeton too soon for my liking. I crave coming here, because of the magic, but I'm dreading this. Will I still be myself after we're mated? I'm terrified.

"I'm not going to hurt you, baby." Stiles tried to calm my nerves. I glared at him.

"You already have." I spat.

"There's that fire." He groaned. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He sat down on the Nemeton and kept me on his lap. He pressed his lips to mine and my body felt calm for the first time in days. "You need to bite me, when I bite you. Then it will be done. You'll be mine." He instructed. I nodded.

He moved his hand from my waist and took his time trailing his hand up my torso. He felt me up, until he reached my neck. He licked my neck, before I felt the press of his sharp teeth. I shivered and moved my mouth to his neck.

He bit down and I cried out, before mimicking his movements. He groaned and rocked his hips against me. My eyes slammed shut and I felt lightheaded. Everything felt overwhelming. It was all too much.

So much power was flowing through us. His power. Mine. The Nemeton. My body was humming with all of it. I could feel my skin vibrate with the sheer force of it. I felt magic drunk.

I let go of him and leaned back. I looked up at the sky and was mesmerized by how bright the stars were. I could feel the energy from the forest around us. I moved my fingers in front of myself lazily. My fingers were glowing. They shimmered with an outpour of magic. It was gold and shimmery and I loved it.

I turned to see Stiles and he looked transfixed. I could feel the want pouring off of him from here. His eyes glowed and his body emitted dark magic. I could feel it without touching him.

He just watched me. I didn't feel the pull like he did. The magic inside of me didn't feel dark. It still felt pure. I could feel his intentions, but I didn't feel obligated to follow his wishes. I'm sure that he could still sway me in small ways, but I didn't feel inclined to follow what he wanted blindly. We were equals. He was my partner. My mate. And I still wanted him, nogitsune and all.

I heard something move behind us and felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I sat up and Stiles slid his hand into mine. We both stood up and I reached out with my magic. He was tense, like he knew that there was a threat, but he didn't make any move to do anything. He trusted me to handle it.

I pulled a woman closer to us. She was the one from the vision. She looked surprised and I could feel all the deception she was pouring into her aura. I looked at her and wasn't impressed. It wasn't time. Deaton needed more time to gather supplies. We needed to kill her and make sure she stayed did.

"You're not welcome here." I told her. She gave me a startled look, then moved her gaze to Derek. "You can't have him. You can't hurt him. You're not touching my pack."

"You don't intimidate me, little girl. You're just a teenager." She laughed. That got Stiles' attention. His eyes were dark, again. He sneered at her and watched her with a calculated stare.

"She should. That's not even taking into consideration what I'll do to you, for insulting my mate." His voice was cold and void of all emotion. It shook me to my core. I could feel his protective tendencies through our bond, but it was muted to the rest of the world. How does he do that?

"What are you?" She asked him. I tilted my head in a very Lydia fashion and used my magic to levitate her off the ground, just a foot or two. Just enough to scare her.

"That's just rude, considering you've neglected to introduce yourself. He's none of your concern, darach." My voice was smooth and low, but still, she trembled. She wasn't at full power. She wasn't even at half power. I could feel that much. "I don't like you. You should go, before I change my mind." I released her and watched her fall to the ground. She scrambled to her feet and ran off.

"Well, that was unexpected." Lydia mused. Stiles turned to me and tucked my hair behind my ear. I leaned into his touch and the cool mask he projected dropped. He was pure arousal.

"Let's get back. We shouldn't push our luck tonight." Chris advised. I nodded and checked out Stiles. What's happening to me? I want him, so much more than before. I know it's because we're mated. What happens, when the nogitsune leaves? Can he leave? Will we still be mated? I had so many questions.

Void Stiles' POV

She was finally mine. Bonnie has been nothing like I expected her to be. She is so much stronger and more unpredictable. She wants to fight for her pack, so we will.

She's as affected as I am. I can see it. I can feel it. She wants me. I'm as much hers as she is mine. Nothing they do will change that.

I've never felt so powerful. She's my queen and we're going to rule this miserable world. I'm going to make them now before us.