
Jordan took the news that he was a hellhound surprisingly well. Lydia wasn't surprised, either. The sheriff was leery of him. Somethings about not knowing if they were better or worse than kanimas.

We were all on edge. Deaton left town with Marin. They were looking for some ancient grimoire that would help us with Jennifer. We knew we could kill her, but we didn't want her to come back this time. And things have a habit of coming back to life in Beacon Hills.

Everyone was training. Even Chris was helping. He had ideas on how to hone Lydia's banshee powers. Peter was instrumental in that, too. It's amazing what having a common enemy can do.

I ducked and delivered a roundhouse kick to Derek's chest. He flew backwards, because of the magic I threw in with the motion.

"Good. Never lost sight of your opponent. Keep going, until they're down." Chris advised me.

Derek lunged and came at me, full force. I didn't block him. I grabbed him, as I jumped up to meet him. I locked my legs around his chest and let electricity flow through me, just enough to incapacitate him. Once he was on the ground, I let go of him and rolled away.

"Good. He wasn't expecting that. Catching you enemy off-guard can only benefit you. It's an asset. You did well, Bonnie." Chris praised me. I nodded and wiped the sweat from my brow. My body hurt, but now as much as it used to. I can tell I'm getting into better shape and honing my muscles.

"You okay, Der?" I asked him. He nodded, as he got up.

"I'll never get tired of watching you fight, Baby." Void Stiles told me in a low voice.

"It's how I'll fight you, if you ever try to force yourself on me, again." I hissed, ignoring the fact that his voice made me want to jump his bones.

"You say that like it's a bad thing. Your strength was one of the first things that attracted me to you." Stiles groaned.

"What –" Chris started to ask, but I shook my head.

"What about Jennifer? What will work on her?" I asked.

"Deaton will be back with the grimoire and we'll have a better idea. Having both of you on our side gives us an advantage. Lydia's gifts have matured. Scott is still an alpha. Deucalion is coming. We'll win this." Derek spoke up. I nodded and squeezed him, as I throw my arms around him for a hug.

"Good. I don't want her hurting my pack. I love you. I love all of your guys." I whispered as I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

"So, you love him, but you don't love me?" The nogitsune asked, his voice full of mirth and mock amusement. I let go of Derek and wished I didn't have to.

"I wish I didn't feel anything for you," I told him, calmly. Mischief danced across his eyes.

"But you do," he countered, looking me over.

"I never said that I didn't." I sighed. Void Stiles slipped his hand into mine and gave me a wanting look that had me wet between my legs and ready to put the nogitsune on his back.

"Why don't we go, so you can show me just how you feel?" He suggested.

I panted, as I sank down on top of Void Stiles. He filled me in just the right way. I gyrated my hips before I began to ride him.

"You look glorious like this and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Stiles agrees. But maybe I'll let him tell you, himself." Void Stiles purred. My hips stilled. I didn't know what to do. The nogitsune flipped me onto my back and started pounding into me.

"Bonnie," Stiles rasped. Stiles' hips slowed. I saw his expression change. This was Stiles.

"Stiles, I…" I didn't know what to say.

"He loves you. We both do. I don't know if it's because we're mated. I can't remember ever feeling this way." He admitted as he moved against me.

"I love you, too." I breathed. It was hard to know where Stiles stopped and the nogitsune began.

"Wasn't that sweet?" The nogitsune asked as he put a hand against my throat. "Was it good? Does Stiles know how rough you like it?" He hissed. I moaned and tried to move in time with him. He moved a hand between us and started massaging my nub. "Why don't you show him what it feels like when you come on our cock?"

The mind games were constant. But I knew the trickster loved being challenged. I would always be that for him. I would always be something he couldn't taint, not completely.

And to be honest, I was starting to enjoy the game, too.