
Deaton came back with the grimoire, but a not a lot of answers. It didn't tell much we didn't know. So, we used what we did know to come up with a plan.

Tentatively, the plan was that Void Stiles and I would incapacitate the Darach with our magic and the rest of the pack would distract her, while someone ripped her head off. My bet was on Derek or Peter. Lydia using her powers to make the Darach's head explode was our back up plan. Either way, decapitation and burning the body with mountain ash wood was our best bet. For now, we keep training and keep getting ready.

I stretched and sighed as the hot water washed over me.

"I'll never get tired of this view." The Nogitsune moaned. I didn't even react, I just continued to wash my body. "Are you giving us the silent treatment?" He mused. I shrugged.

"If Stiles was here, I would talk to him." I replied.

"You want to talk to me?" Stiles asked. I looked over at him and watched as he fidgeted, nervously. I nodded.

"Why don't you join me? I've barely gotten to talk to you and truthfully, you're the more interesting of the two of you." I told him. He gave me a playful smirk that lacked the mirth that came with his evil counterpart.

"Yeah, okay. You're just surprising. That's all. No one prefers me." Stiles said in a low voice, as he shed his clothes. I looked him over and appreciated his naked form. Stiles had a sweetness to him. I longed to get to know him better.

"I doubt that's true." I breathed. "What do you want to do with your life?" I asked him. He bit his lip, as he looked me over and contemplated my question.

"If I still had a future, I'd want to go into the FBI." He admitted. He placed his hands on my hips and looked at me like he'd never seen me before.

"I promise that you have a future. If the Nogitsune wants to keep me, he'll ensure that you have one." I promised.

"He's surprised." Stiles said, speaking for the fox. "I am, too."

"I'm sure he is. That doesn't make it any less true. You're important to me, just like he is." I admitted.

"You don't know how nice it is to hear you say that." He whispered. I stood on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. He picked me up and backed me up against the wall of the shower. "Do you want this?" He asked me, as he pressed himself against my entrance. I nodded, jerkily.

"I do, so much." I breathed. He thrust inside my heat and I moaned. It felt familiar and foreign. I was finally feeling Stiles. The Nogitsune was taking the backseat for once and I wasn't complaining.

If we're going to be bound together for life, I need to get used to both of them. And what a way to do it.

"Bonnie," he grunted. I moved my hips against his and enjoyed the fullness.

"Stiles, God," I gasped. He threaded his fingers through my hair and pressed his lips against mine. I moaned against him. It felt like kissing him for the first time. I can feel relief building in the pit of my stomach.

"How are you even real?" Stiles murmured.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked. "I love both of you." I cried out, as I teetered on the edge of my high.

"How do you even want me?"

"You're all the good parts, the good things. Why wouldn't I want you?" I breathed. Stiles moved in just the right way and I felt myself fall into euphoria. I felt him finish with me. He sank to the ground and I leaned against him, straddling his legs.

"I still can't believe you want us both. I can't picture anyone else wanting us – wanting me." He admitted.

"You never have to. You're stuck with me."

"Did you enjoy your time with Stiles?" The Nogitsune purred. I nodded, sleepily. "Just how grateful are you?" He asked as he moved over to me in bed.

"So grateful," I replied, as he rolled me onto my back.

"So me."