
Naruto opened his eyes and saw that it was morning. He guessed that it took almost all night to talk to Kyuubi about his bloodline. His body was well rested it seems considering that his body was asleep while his mind did all the work. It was amazing that he didn't get any headache from the whole thing.

"Of course, I wouldn't want you to wake up with a headache. I shudder to think you reaction would be when you wake up with a migraine." quipped Kyuubi from his head.

"I didn't know we can talk like this." said Naruto.

"You really are an idiot at times. If you remember, I talked to you when you were attacked in that alley." said Kyuubi in an amused tone.

"Oh yeah right. Sorry about that." replied a sheepish Naruto.

"If you don't mind, I'll go take a nap. I stayed up all night talking to you so I want to go to sleep and leave you alone for a while." said Kyuubi, getting a mental image of the fox yawning and curling up in his cage.

Naruto shook his head and sat up on his bed. He pulled off the covers and found that he was garbed in a hospital gown. "I guess my clothes are gone now." he thought sadly when he remembered the beatings he got from yesterday. He looked around and saw that he was alone so he proceeded to practice his bloodline a bit before someone comes knocking in.

He closed his eyes and channeled chakra to his eyes. He felt the same warmth pool around his eyes that told him that his bloodline was active. He opened his eyes and saw that he was surrounded again by his Elemental Orbs. Remembering what Kyuubi told him about his ability, he willed the orbs to move in front of him so he can inspect them closely and they did.

The five elemental orbs swiftly moved in front of him, seemingly like a puppy happy to serve its master. Each orb represent each element – an orb of red-hot flames, a white orb of crackling electricity, a blue orb of water, a green orb of swirling wind, and a brown orb made of earth. Curious, he stuck one of his fingers into the fire orb and was surprised that it didn't burn him. It was warm, comfortable to the touch. He pulled it out and stuck the same finger into the white orb of electricity which made the tip of his finger tingle.

He played around with it a bit, making them dance around his body; also do some tricks like a loop the loop which he found entertaining. He also experimented on the range of his bloodline; it seems that these orbs were self-sustaining and can leave the range of his body. He experimented with this a bit by throwing the balls on the ends of the room and was happy that they didn't disappear.

He also remembered that Kyuubi told him about his Chakra Manipulation so he gave it a shot and channeled chakra to his finger to connect to the orbs. It didn't work as he planned. All he got was a wisp of chakra escaping from his fingers and nothing else. "I guess Kyuubi was right when he told me that Chakra Manipulation requires more practice compared to my Elemental Orbs."

He was so busy with his experimentation that he didn't notice the Hokage and Dog enter the medical ward he was in. They're jaws were hanging open when they saw Naruto playing around with spheres made of Elements. It was astounding and freaky at the same time. The Hokage coughed to get his attention.

Naruto was busy playing around with his Elemental Orbs when he heard someone cough in the room. He turned his head and saw the Hokage and Dog standing there on the door with their mouth hanging open. He gave them both a wave that caused the orbs to weave around him as if they were playing.

"Hiyah jiji, Dog-san." he greeted his visitors. Both approached Naruto cautiously to avoid getting attacked by the orbs. Dog informed the Hokage everything that happened in the alley so both were quite cautious when they approach. Naruto noticed this. "Don't worry jiji. They won't attack." He demonstrated that he was in complete control of his ability by letting them move around his body with his fingers telling them where to go to alleviate their concerns.

"Naruto, I'm glad to see that you're awake." the Hokage greeted his surrogate grandson.

"I'm happy to see you're alright Naruto. How are you feeling?" Dog asked, concern lacing his voice which Naruto found endearing.

"I'm feeling good. Great even. A lot of things happened but I'm cool." quipped Naruto happily.

"Uhhh Naruto, what are those? What happened to your eyes?" the Hokage pointed at the orbs.

"Oh. These are my Elemental Orbs. They are a part of my bloodline." explained Naruto with an excited tone in his voice.

"Bloodline? I didn't know you had such a bloodline. I don't even know that such a bloodline exists." asked the Hokage, dumbfounded on the idea of Naruto having such a powerful bloodline.

"Oh. Yeah. These are new. Kyuubi told me that he changed my mother's bloodline a bit to create them. When I get these eyes, it means that my bloodline is activated."

"Kyuubi?" both Hokage and Dog shouted.

"Yep. Kyuubi explained everything to me." said Naruto. He frowned. "He also told me everything about my parents."

"Naruto…" the Hokage started but was cut off by Naruto.

"You don't have to say anything jiji. I understand why you didn't tell me so I forgive you. I also know that I have Kyuubi sealed inside me and I was able to talk to him."

"You talked to the Kyuubi?" asked the Hokage, shocked that Naruto was able to get in contact with the beast at this early stage of his life.

"Yup. It was an accident really, caused by the attacks but it was good."

"I want you to be careful Naruto. The Kyuubi is a dangerous creature." warned the Hokage.

"I resent that. I'm only dangerous to my enemies." growled Kyuubi.

"I thought you were asleep." Naruto asked his tenant.

"I was but I woke up when I heard you were talking to the old man and your friend." explained Kyuubi.

The Hokage noticed Naruto's blank stare so he shook the boy a bit to get his attention.

"What?" exclaimed Naruto.

"You spaced out a bit there kid." said Dog.

"Oh, sorry about that. Kyuubi was talking to me. He was supposed to be asleep but he woke up when you came in and heard you."


"Sheesh. Old people tend to over react these days. Tell him to calm down kit. I won't do anything. Why don't you tell him what we talked about and our deal." said Kyuubi. Giving the fox a mental nod, he turned his attention to his two visitors.

"Why don't you two sit down, this is going to take a while."

When the Hokage and Dog sat down, Naruto explained everything that happened in the alley and his meeting with Kyuubi. He told them about why Kyuubi attacked Konoha and explained what he knows about his abilities.

When Naruto ended his story, the Hokage was massaging his temple because of the headache he got while digesting Naruto's story. Dog was drinking from a Sake bottle he got from somewhere. Both found everything that happened to Naruto to be unbelievable. In fact, nothing natural seems to happen to the kid.

"So jiji. What do you think?"

"I think you just gave me the worst headache in my history as Hokage." the old man whined while giving Dog a glare for not sharing his Sake with him.

"It wasn't that bad." Naruto defended himself.

"Wasn't that bad? You just told us that you had a talk with the most powerful bijuu in the Elemental Nations and gave you practically the most powerful bloodline in history. Sheeesh. Nice to downplay everything that happened kid." exclaimed Dog.

Naruto just ignored it and looked at the old man. "So jiji. What do you think I should do now?"

The Hokage made up his mind over some things concerning Naruto's inheritance. "Why don't we leave here and adjourn to my office. Let's finish our talk there. Since you already know about your parents so it's only safe to give you your inheritance. I think we might need to discuss about giving you an early training course so you can safely handle your bloodline without killing yourself." Naruto agreed.

After Naruto changed into clothes that Dog got from his apartment, they adjourned to the Hokage Tower to talk about Naruto's inheritance. When they got to the office, Dog left to resume his shift while the Hokage went to one of the portraits lining the Hokage office. He bit into his thumb and wiped some blood on a panel underneath it which opened to reveal a small nook. He took out 2 scrolls and a set of keys.

He returned to his desk and sat down to face Naruto who was idly sitting on a couch playing with one of the Elemental Orbs, from the looks of it, it was fire. He coughed to gain his attention.

"Now Naruto. I have here 2 scrolls consisting of your inheritance, as well as the keys to your parent's house. Since you already know about them then I'm going to allow you to stay in the Namikaze compound starting from now on. The security seals around the place are full-proof so you need not worry about mobs finding you when you stay there." Seeing Naruto nod, he handed the keys to the boy and continued.

"This scroll contains all the money that your parents have amassed when they were still alive. We can safely say that you are going to be a very rich boy." said the Hokage.

"Why aren't they in the bank jiji?" asked Naruto.

"Simple. When Kushina and Minato died, they were thinking that the Namikaze clan died with them. The Civilian Council were trying their best to get the money so I took out all the money from the bank, leaving only a few measly change, then sealed the bulk of it into this scroll." explained the Hokage. It was a wise move on his part to immediately get the money from the bank and sealed it into the scroll. The week after Kushina was declared dead, the Civilian Council was demanding to have the money transferred over to the village coffers. He was sure that they were going to go behind his back and pocket the Namikaze and Uzumaki fortune leaving poor Naruto on the dirt. He was practically gloating when the Civilian Council found out that the billions of ryo they were coveting from the clan account turned out only a few thousands. That was one win he scratched up on his book.

"Thanks jiji. So how much do I have?" asked a curious Naruto.

"I'm not sure, I think you have several billions of ryo in that scroll." said the Hokage offhandedly.

"What? Billions? I didn't know that my parents where that rich." exclaimed Naruto. The Hokage just gave him a long look.

"Naruto, you forgot that your parents were very powerful shinobis. Remember that they worked their way up the ladder so the bounties and salaries from missions made them well off. Not to mention that your mother was one of our accomplished Hunter Nins so she definitely got a lot of money out of the bounties she turned in." explained the Hokage.

Naruto was awed at the explanation. His parents were powerful shinobis. His determination doubled upon hearing this. Now he definitely needs to work hard to become the strongest.

"Now Naruto, there is something we need to talk about and it concerns the Council." said the Hokage in a serious tone. This immediately got Naruto's attention.

"What do you mean, old man?"

"I have a plan but I need your permission first."

"Sure, I trust you." said Naruto with a smile. The trust that the boy showed him made him sit straight, proud to have the child's total devotion despite everything he went through. He is now more determined to protect the child and to do that, he needs to get the council back to the way it was before.

"Thank you Naruto. Now, I plan to reveal everything to the council, your bloodline and your inheritance. If we get this right then your life here in Konoha will be a lot better from now on. I'm not sure that we should reveal Kyuubi as of yet since that will definitely backfire on us."

"Oh? So you're going to tell the old geezers about me? Are you sure about that jiji?" Naruto asked, worried about what might happen that will give him problems in the future.

"No need to worry Naruto. Remember, I know the laws like the back of my hand. I plan to introduce you as the Namikaze and Uzumaki clan head and back it up with the introduction of your bloodline. Remember, bloodlines here in Konoha are prized by the council so you having one will definitely swing the decision to your favor. Now all we need to do is to find out if your bloodline will be passed on to your children."

"Tell him to go ahead kit. Your bloodline is deeply integrated into your DNA so your kids will definitely have them." announced Kyuubi.

"Kyuubi said to go ahead jiji. He said that my kids will get the same thing I have." said Naruto.

"Good. Everyone already knows about Kushina's bloodline but we can tell them that it evolved because of the Namikaze genes. This way, they won't look deep into it."

"Sounds great. Do you want me to attend the meeting?" asked Naruto.

"Yes. I need you to be there since you will be asked to demonstrate your bloodline to the council, mainly the Shinobi Council. I already called for a meeting so they are waiting for us down in the chamber."

"I'm ready jiji. Let's kick the geezers ass and teach them whose boss." Naruto shouted enthusiastically which brought a peal of laughter from the Hokage. Only Naruto can brighten his day like this.

The Konoha Council was divided into two factions – the Shinobi Council and the Civilian Council.

The Shinobi Council is made up of the Konoha clan heads, as well as the two advisors of the Hokage. The main clans include the Hyuuga, Aburame, Akimichi, Nara, Uchiha, and the Inuzuka. The Uchiha representative was Danzo Shimura since Uchiha Sasuke is still underage and the eldest, Uchiha Itachi, is a missing nin.

The Civilian Council is made up of the wealthy merchants in Konoha.

The Hokage explained to Naruto the two council factions and his standing among them. The Shinobi Council is either neutral or favorable to his plight since most of them followed the Yondaime's wishes for you to be treated as a hero. The only exception to this rule is the Hyuuga. The Civilian Council, however, is another matter entirely. They are against Naruto since he holds the Kyuubi. This caused a stalemate when it comes to votes but the Hokage was sure that he can sway them to Naruto's side due to his powerful bloodline.

When the Hokage and Naruto entered the Council Chamber, the boy noticed that everyone was bickering over one thing and another. The whole scenario didn't really make much of an impression with Naruto.

"Don't worry too much about it kit. Humans have always been like this. You've seen one you've seen them all." said Kyuubi, amused over the Council's pseudo superiority.

"Why are they acting like that then?" asked Naruto.

"Simple kit. From what I gather. The Civilian Council have been trying to usurp the Hokages powers for years now. If I remember correctly, Minato told Kushina about it while I was sealed inside her. He was trying hard to stop their power grabbing schemes but he was only able to do so much. I guess the Hokage is now pushed back to the back seat unless he takes away the power that they have right now."

"Why won't jiji do that then? He is the Hokage after all. He is the leader of the village."

"Yes. He can do that but he might be working on that right now starting with you. It seems that you gave him back his backbone." said an amused Kyuubi.

His conversation was cut short when one of the Civilian Council members made it known to the Hokage of Naruto's presence.

"Hokage-same. We were wondering why you called us for an important meeting. Also, why is that boy doing here?" the councilman sneered. The Hokage just gave the offending party long look and made it known why HE was the Hokage and they were just advisers.

"Tell me councilman Haruno. Who am I?" asked the Hokage.

"You're the Hokage, Hokage-sama." Councilman Haruto immediately answered.

"Good councilman Haruno. So let me ask you this, WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO ASK ME WHY I CALLED FOR A COUNCIL MEETING?" the Hokage shouted the last part and leaked a bit of his killing intent that made the Civilian Council cower in fear.

The Shinobi Council stood straight. It seems that something happened that made Hiruzen Sarutobi bring out his long-lost backbone. For them, they were looking at the God of Shinobi, the Professor, and the Third Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato. Even the every stoic Danzo smiled at this.

"For the past years since I've taken the mantle of Hokage again from Minato, I noticed that the Civilian Council are turning MY village as their own. So let me ask you this, is Konoha a shinobi village or a civilian village?" asked the Hokage in a cold voice. He addressed the entire council, daring them to answer his question.

The Nara clan head answered. "Konoha is a shinobi village Hokage-sama".

"Good to know that. So let me remind the Council that this is a shinobi village so this is purely MY village. I'm the LEADER of Konoha. The Council is just my advisors. YOU DON'T GIVE ME ORDERS. I GIVE ORDERS. IF I SAY YOU JUMP, YOU ASK HOW HIGH. IF I SAY YOU LEAVE THEN YOU SHOULD RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN. DO YOU ALL UNDERSTAND ME?" he released his barely-restrained killer intent at the Civilian Council making some of them pass out from the strain.

He looked around as if daring for anyone to tell him otherwise. After a few seconds of silence, he took charge of the meeting. "Good, now we can start. I called you all here regarding some recent developments that occurred here in Konoha that will greatly affect its future."

"What developments Hokage-sama?" asked the Hiashi Hyuuga.

"This is concerning the bloodline that woke up in Uzumaki Naruto yesterday after he was attacked by civilians."

This brought out a lot of whispers from the Shinobi Council. The Civilian Council, however, were in total denial that the boy have any bloodline and that it is a trick to fool the Hokage. Hearing that the meeting was starting to degenerate into a total argument, he slammed his hand hard on the table that calmed everyone down.

"Thank you for the silence." he said sarcastically. "Anyway, it seems that Naruto-kun woke up his mother's bloodline ability within himself but it evolved into something more due to his father's genetic code."

"The boy is an orphan Hokage-sama. He doesn't have any parents." One of the Civilian Council sneered.

"Really now councilman. Let me ask you this, do I need to give you the talk?" asked the Hokage.

"What?" the councilman stuttered out .

"I said if I need to give you the talk. It seems to me that you don't know how babies are made. I assure you that Naruto-kun didn't just come out of the cabbage patch or a stork brought him to Konoha." The Shinobi Council laughed at this while the Civilians were glaring at them.

"To continue, I brought Naruto-kun here to explain how his bloodline awakened. I'll supply the facts that he left out since I knew both his parents personally." The Hokage motioned for Naruto to step forward to begin his explanation which he did. He explained what happened with the mobs yesterday that made the Civilian Council nervous.

When he finished his explanation, one of the Shinobi Council, the Nara clan head, asked. "So Uzumaki-san, can you demonstrate to us your bloodline?" Naruto nodded and closed his eyes. He channeled chakra to his eyes to activate his Elemental Orbs.

The entire Konoha Council gasped. Naruto was surrounded by 5 orbs of lights, each of different colors, taking their rightful position around Naruto's body. They stared in awe when Naruto opened his eyes and showed them his eyes, revealing his doujutsu - gold iris and reversed-star pupils.

"This is my bloodline that is activated through my eyes. I call this the Kamigan or God's Eyes. And no, I didn't come up with a name for my bloodline. Hokage-jiji gave me the name since it is a new bloodline with no records of its origins."

"So what do they do Uzumaki-san?" Tsume, the Inuzuka clan head, asked.

"My bloodline is composed of two main elements according to the hokage. It seems that I got my mother's Chakra Manipulation bloodline that allows me to utilize chakra for almost anything I want. Hokage-jiji also told me that because of my father's DNA caused the bloodline to evolved that allows me to control elements as well without having to do hand seals. Also, my Elemental Orbs is only activated when my doujutsu is active. It seems that my ultimate defense and elemental manipulation from them is directly connected to my eyes.

This shocked the entire council. A bloodline of this magnitude has never been seen throughout the entire Elemental Nations. The power to control Chakra and the Elements is practically the most powerful bloodline in the world. Most of the Shinobi councils were drooling over the possibility of such bloodline while the civilians were busy plotting on how to get Naruto under their wings to control such power.

"What are those orbs surrounding you?" The Aburame clan head asked.

"These are what I call Elemental Orbs shinobi-san. They serve as both my offense and defense. The defense is automatic. When it sense danger, it can act without my will to protect me."

"Interesting, can we test it out?" Danzo asked, interested over the possibility of such bloodline.

Getting a nod from Naruto, he snapped his fingers twice and one of the hidden ANBUs in the chamber threw two shurikens at Naruto at blinding speed. However, before the shurikens could hit Naruto, a wall of water shot out from the blue orb and intercepted the projectile. Danzo snapped his fingers again twice and a hail of kunai seems to shot out from the wall but before it could hit Naruto, a wall of wind surrounded him that deflected the kunais away that almost hit the council members in the room.

The entire council was shocked at the power of such bloodline. It was indeed the ultimate defense. Uzumaki Naruto has power over the elements and to use them as his ultimate defense. This was unheard off.

"Interesting indeed Uzumaki-san. It seems that your bloodline is quite powerful." said Danzo. "However, what would happen if someone attacked you directly?" Before anyone could stop him, he snapped his fingers once again and this time an ANBU rushed out from the shadow, ready to impale him with his katana.

Naruto saw this and pushed his right arm out and immediately willed the flames to protect him. The Fire Orb shot out a stream of fire that created a wall of flames that surrounded him, effectively stopping the attacking ANBU from his tracks. He twirled his hands in a counter-clockwise gesture and a stream of water, like a whip, shot out from the Water Orb and grabbed the attacker and immobilized him in the air. He raised his other hand palms facing forward to the attacker for the flames surrounding him to suddenly twirl around the suspended ANBU, ready to burn him off.

Everyone was silent for a few moments before the Hokage coughed catching everyone's attention. "I think that is enough for a demonstration Naruto-kun. You can put him down now before anyone gets hurt." He finished the statement while giving Danzo a glare, daring him to do it again. Danzo just gave him a smirk but backed down from the dare.

Naruto nodded pulled the flame and water back to their respective orbs, but letting them stay active just in case of more attacks. The Elemental Orbs just weaves around him, as if ready to protect its master from further attacks. "Sorry about that jiji, I guess I got carried away." He replied sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

The Hokage just waved the apology with a gesture of his hand "It's ok Naruto-kun. Why don't you stay back a bit so we can wrap this up." He turned back to the rest of the council who was now looking at Naruto and his Elemental Orbs in awe. "Can we continue now or do you want me to ask Naruto-kun to demonstrate more of his…powers to the rest of the council." Everyone immediately shook their ends. They wouldn't want to become the subject of such demonstration. They've seen enough.

"So to continue, I would like to announce Naruto-kun's inheritance. From this day onward, he shall take up his father's clan leadership. Starting today, he shall be address as Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto."

The entire Konoha Council erupted into pandemonium.