Return of the Namikaze

Chaos. The Konoha Council was in total uproar. The Shinobi-side of the council was excited over the prospect of returning the Namikaze clan into Konoha. However, the Civilian Council were in total denial – not only was the Kyuubi brat in possession of practically one of the most powerful elemental bloodline to date but also the son of their hero the Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato.

Both Sarutobi and Naruto were amused over their antics; they were expecting chaos but this takes the cake. Everyone was in total uproar. It was hilarious and both were dismayed of not bringing any camera with them to immortalize the faces of the entire council.

Sarutobi let the council go wild for a few more minutes. He and Naruto both discussed how things were supposed to go and this is part of their plan. Instead of lording over the council, it was decided to let them stew over the idea and let them arrive at their own conclusion.

The Shinobi Council eventually settled down but the excited smirk on their faces proved to be enlightening to both Naruto and the Hokage. Even the stoic Hiashi Hyuuga was showing a slight smirk, to the trained eye of course, that tells that he was happy with the news. It made Sarutobi a bit weary since Hiashi was known to be a schemer so he may have plans with the young Namikaze.

The Civilian Council, however, was discussing among themselves the absurdity of the idea regarding the demon brat being the Yondaime's son. Considering that they weren't that smart to begin with so the bare facts that the Shinobi Council already realized eluded them.

Sarutobi was brought out of his musings when the head of the Civilian Council shouted to get his attention. The offender was no other than the Haruno councilman.

"This is absurd, Hokage-sama. It is not possible for the boy to be Namikaze-sama's son." ranted the councilman.

"Oh? Really now councilman Haruno? Do you have any facts that prove otherwise?" inquired an amused Sarutobi.

"We all know for a fact that the Yondaime has never married. If it was then his son's parentage would have been known throughout the entire village."

The Hokage nodded. "That is true but that is the reason why ALL OF YOU don't know about his personal life."

"Explain yourself Hokage-Sama." said another Civilian council member.

"I DON'T have to explain myself to you but I will humor you just this once. Now, before we go into the legalities of the Namikaze-Uzumaki heir. Let me first ask you this. Do you think that Naruto-kun is the exact replica of the Fourth when he was young? Get rid of the whisker marks and the orange outfit then you will see what I'm talking about."

Everyone stared at Naruto which made him squirm in his seat. It wasn't always that he becomes the center of attention so he was unused to the feeling.

The Nara clan head spoke first. "You are correct. He does indeed look a lot like Minato when he was still young. I should know. He was quite close with the Ino-Shika-Cho (Inoichi-Shikaku-Chouza) group during our pre-Genin days." The rest of the Shinobi Council agreed at this.

"Also, his temper and attitude reminds me too much of Kushina-chan when she was young. She was quite a spitfire that girl. Not to mention the pranks she pulled." said Tsume Inuzuka, chuckling all the while as she remembered the young hothead.

"Indeed. Remember when she clobbered Jiraiya-sama when he was caught peeking at the Kunoichis." said a laughing Chouza. "He stayed in the hospital for a week after she was done with him."

Every Shinobi Council member chuckled at that. The Civilian Council just glared at them.

"That is not enough reason to believe that the de…boy is the son of the Yondaime." said one councilwoman.

"You are correct. That is why I brought with me the marriage contract of both Kushina-chan and Minato-kun's. It was a private ceremony held in my office, witnessed by Jiraiya and Tsunade. Also, here is the birth certificate of Naruto-kun when he was born during the Kyuubi attack signed by both Tsunade and Hikari Sato who took charge of the birthing." said the Hokage, holding up two documents and passed them first to the Shinobi Council. When the Civilian Council got their hands on the documents, they poured all their attention to it to make sure that everything is legal – and to their dismay it was ironclad. It was official. Uzumaki Naruto is indeed Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto, the son of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina.

The Hokage coughed to return their attention back to him. "Now we will take a vote should Naruto-kun get his inheritance according to Minato-kun's will." He called for a vote and all the Shinobi Council, as well as some of the Civilian Council raised their hands in agreement. The only ones left were the Hokage Advisors, Homaru and Koharu, Danzo, and some of the Civilian Council.

"Then it is official. Naruto-kun will take the Namikaze-Uzumaki clan leadership and all assets that come with it. Considering that he is still a minor, I will be temporarily taking over his seat in the council until he becomes an adult when he graduates and become a Genin of Konohagakure no Sato."

"But Hokage-sama, if Namikaze-sama is given clan head status when he reach Genin then Uchiha Sasuke-sama should also be instated as the clan head as well." one councilman shouted. The 'sama' suffix was added in disdain but the Hokage just ignored this…for now.

"You are correct but we can never deny the fact that Uchiha Sasuke is NOT the clan head. Itachi is still the eldest of the surviving Uchiha clan so until he is dead, Sasuke is not the clan head." said the Hokage calmly. "Is there any else?" he demanded over the shouting of the Civilian Council.

Seeing most of the members of the Council shake their heads in negative, he continued. "If there aren't any more on the agenda then I call this session of the Konoha Council to a close. You are all dismissed."

With that, the Hokage nudged Naruto out of the chamber leaving behind a smiling Shinobi Council, fuming Civilian Council, and of course, some plotting members to get the boy under their control and all the influence he holds.

The Hokage and Naruto retired into the Hokage office after the meeting, both exhausted with everything that happened today. It was already late in the afternoon so both were a bit weary. Naruto settled down on the couch and directed the Wind Orb to rotate in order to produce a cooling breeze to cool them up. The Hokage was thankful for this then settled down in his chair facing Naruto.

"Now that everything is done, I would like to congratulate you in becoming the head of the Namikaze-Uzumaki clan Naruto-kun." said Sarutobi, giving his surrogate grandson a smile.

"Thanks jiji. But don't you think that I'm a bit too young to become a clan head? I mean, I don't even know what to do." exclaimed Naruto.

"No need to worry my boy. I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time. Now, we need to discuss a few things that come with your birthright." Naruto nodded so he continued. "Naruto, you need to realize that one of the reasons why I kept your inheritance secret is because both your mother and father have plenty of enemies. The history between the Yondaime and Iwa is legendary so they will be sending a lot of assassins to kill you when the word of your identity gets out. I kept this hidden from you because I wanted to protect you so I apologize for not acting out sooner." apologized Sarutobi.

"I understand jiji. But why did you release the information now. I mean, would that just put me in danger?" asked a curious Naruto.

"Well, it WOULD have been a dangerous idea to release your inheritance to the world but I think we both know for a fact that you CAN protect yourself now." subtly gesturing towards the floating orbs surrounding Naruto. "Since we are on the subject, I decided to let you train even before entering the academy to hone your skills. Among the rest of the Shinobi clan heirs, you are in a bit of a disadvantage since your parents aren't around to teach you their techniques, but with your determination and stamina, I'm sure that you can overcome this hurdle."

"Also kit, I would be helping you out. Tell the old man that I will be helping you train – giving you ideas to help you get started." interrupted Kyuubi. He was awake and listened to the entire Council Meeting and agreed with the Hokage's presumption regarding Naruto's enemies in the future. His container can take care of himself with his bloodline but its best to be safe than sorry.

"Uhh jiji. Kyuubi told me that he agreed with your idea. He will be helping me out as well." Naruto relayed his conversation with Kyuubi.

Sarutobi was shocked at this. Naruto was already powerful with his active bloodline but with Kyuubi's teachings, it is possible for the boy to become the most powerful Shinobi in the entire Elemental Nations. He was weary with the offer. Despite knowing the truth about the Kyuubi attack, he is still having second thoughts regarding the fox's allegiance.

As if sensing the Hokage's thoughts and intentions, Kyuubi decided to get his idea across. "Kit, I want you to tell the Hokage to lock down the room. I want both you here in your mind so we can discuss your training."

"Can you do that? Can you bring him into my mind?" asked an incredulous Naruto.

"Of course. I have lived a long time kit so I know a trick or two. Just tell him to lock down the room and I want you to relay this technique to him. I'll pass it to you right now."

Naruto's eyes glazed over when the information of the technique was transferred to his brain. He told the Hokage about the Kyuubi's idea and complied. He blazed through a set of seals and the room lit up for a bit before dying down, effectively locking the room from intruders. He performed the technique as Kyuubi instructed and touched Naruto's temple.

Hiruzen Sarutobi is hailed to be the most knowledgeable man in realm of Shinobi Arts which earned him the nickname of "The Professor" by both friends and enemies. But nothing prepared him when he stood under the presence of the great Kyuubi no Kitsune in Naruto's mind. He saw the cage that separated the beast from his surrogate grandson, as well as the seal that is placed in the middle that forever locked him in place. The sewer-like atmosphere didn't really fit well on what he think to be Naruto's mind but he can teach Naruto later about the mindscape so he can change it if necessary.

"Welcome to my humble abode Hokage" the Kyuubi bellowed, over-reacting a bit to scare the human in front of him. Naruto just rolled his eyes over Kyuubi's antics.

"Kyuubi-sama." said a subdued Hokage, not knowing how to act in front of the great beast that lorded over the rest of the powerful bijuu.

"Such respect from the leader of the most powerful village but we are not here to exchange pleasantries. Let's get down to business." said Kyuubi, amused that he successfully intimidated the supposedly powerful leader of Konoha.

"Indeed Kyuubi-sama. I want to know what you plan to teach Naruto-kun. I don't want him to hurt himself with your teachings." said Sarutobi, scrounging up every fiber of his courage to face the great beast. It seems that protecting his surrogate grandson brought out more of his backbone.

Kyuubi noticed this and grinned. "I commend you Hokage. It is not everyday that I meet a human that has enough courage to face me, except your Yondaime of course." He added the last part as an afterthought.

Naruto had enough of the whole thing and decided to make his presence known. "Stop scaring the old man Kyuubi." he growled. Kyuubi just released an amused chuckle, releasing the intimidating act and gave Naruto a foxy grin. This confused Sarutobi to say the least.

"Sorry kit but I can't help myself being a fox and all." He turned his attention to the old man. "Anyway, we are supposed to discuss about the brat's training. What were you planning to teach him?"

The Hokage coughed to get his beating heart under control.

"I plan to start him off with the basics. Before he can become a competent shinobi, I will want him to improve his physical prowess before moving on to other Shinobi arts. During his physical training, I will be teaching him the basics of Chakra Control since he seems to need it for the rest of his bloodline ability."

"That is a good idea to start the brat's training." The 'brat' part got an indignant 'hey' from Naruto. The fox just gave him a mischievous grin. "But it would be best to allow him to expand his mental capacity as well. We all know that Chakra is based on purely physical and spiritual energy. The physical energy can be easily done through physical training – improving his strength and stamina. However, in order for him to balance his increasing physical energy, we need to improve his mind as well so he needs to train his mind with knowledge of the Shinobi arts and tactics."

Sarutobi nodded. "Agreed. But such growth would take a lot of time. There isn't any way for him to balance both skills without hurting him in the process. What I plan is to start him off with physical training then begin his mental training once he attend the academy."

"True. But I have a much better idea. Naruto needs to be strong enough, at least Chunnin level when he enters the academy. I don't want a weak container and knowing his heritage and being my container, his enemies won't be giving him the breathing room to grow strong." Kyuubi argued. Sarutobi sighed.

"You're correct Kyuubi-sama. But I know nothing to help him in both fields at the same time without him breaking down in the process."

"You don't, well actually you do but you haven't realized it yet. But I do know how to get both his training done at the same time. I want you to teach him the Kage Bunshin technique that his mother passed on to Konoha."

That shocked Sarutobi. True, with the Kage Bunshin, he can easily divide himself to accommodate both physical and mental Training, but the strain of the technique will surely hurt the boy. That is one of the reasons why the technique was considered as a Kinjutsu to begin with. "No! Naruto is not strong enough to do the Kage Bunshin."

Naruto was confused over the argument regarding a jutsu so he interrupted the arguing duo. "Uhh jiji. What is the Kage Bunshin?" Sarutobi turned to Naruto.

"Naruto, the Kage Bunshin is one of the forbidden techniques passed on by your mother to Konoha when he became one of our ninjas. It is part of your inheritance but it is a dangerous technique for you at your current age. The technique requires a lot of Chakra to pull off and you need Chakra control to avoid overpowering the technique."

"Jiji. What does the technique do?"

"The technique is powerful. Unlike the normal Bunshin, the Kage Bunshin allows you to create real copies of yourself using large amounts of Chakra. It is a technique used mostly for spying since the clone will pass one its memories and experience once dispelled or killed. It also has its own Chakra network so it can also do jutsu unlike other Bunshins."

"That is correct." agreed Kyuubi. "With the Kage Bunshin, we can easily simplify your training course. The real you would be busy with physical training since the Kage Bunshin cannot relay physical experience and improvements, but you can use them to read and learn the Shinobi arts in scrolls and from your teachers."

"Kyuubi-sama is correct but I think this technique is too much for you to handle at your age."

"That is not true Hokage. Naruto already has the Chakra reserves. If you take time to reach out with your senses, you will see that his Chakra store far surpasses your own and with my presence, I can easily replenish his stores with my own limitless supply to avoid exhaustion."

Sarutobi thought about this for a bit. It is true that Naruto is already more than a Kage-level shinobi in terms of Chakra and Stamina, and with the Kyuubi's presence, he will never suffer from exhaustion unless he depletes his own supply first. "So you are willing to supply him with the Chakra he needs for the technique to be used for training?"

"Yes. I will be helping the loudmouthed brat." Kyuubi growled.

"And why would you do that? True that you offered but I don't see it from one such as you." argued Sarutobi.

Kyuubi just gave out a large sigh. "Hokage, I think you already realize that the kit and I are already bound by the Shinigami's seal. This means that both our souls are merged. When he dies, I die as well. So please excuse me if I want to help train the kit so we'll both survive."

Sarutobi realized what the fox was doing was out of self-preservation. He realized that there is too much at stake here for the bijuu than he realized. So this makes Naruto safe from the Kyuubi's influence. It is true that if harm comes to Naruto then Kyuubi would be harmed as well so making him strong is the only option for the fox to survive. With the seal in place, Kyuubi cannot control Naruto's mind without his express permission.

"Fine, I agree with your idea. I will devise a training schedule for Naruto for his physical training. The Namikaze-Uzumaki compound holds one of the largest libraries in Konoha not including the Hokage archive so he can go over the Shinobi arts from there. But you have to promise me that he won't be doing any high-level techniques that I know Minato have compiled in his library until we both deem him ready. I will be asking for a monthly report so I can keep track of his progress. Agreed?"

"Agreed. He have a deal Hokage. Now leave me be. I'm tired so I want to sleep for now. If you want to relay something to me, just tell the brat." With that, Sarutobi was kicked out of Naruto's mind.