SHARI carefully put on her make-up and made sure she looked stunning. She tucked her long blonde hair into a ponytail. Out of boredom, she had bleached it the other day for the sake of having a new look.

She drove for about two hours. Upon reaching the vast parking area of the National Police Commission in Legazpi City, she turned off the engine of her black sedan.

Shari peeked at her gold wristwatch to ensure she was early for her appointment. Her cousin Frida gave her company.

Recently, she decided to join the police after resigning from her job. Shari wanted a thrill that she could not get from her previous work as an IT expert.

Shari had been bugging her cousin about her plan. She wanted to apply for the police entrance examination, which will be held next month.

"It seemed you're ready. But I'm telling you, once you enter the service. You can't dress like that!" Frida scrutinized her from head to toe.

She wore a red, long-sleeved cropped top paired with tattered jeans and a six-inch stiletto.

"You worry too much. Why don't you join me inside?" She smiled confidently through her matte red lipstick.

"Nope. I don't want to exchange pleasantries there." Frida hardly shook her head. She had been a member of the Philippine National Police two years ago, with the rank of Police Inspector.

"I thought you support me on this?" she pouted her lips.

"Come on, hurry! Before you proceed with the application, fall in line for checking height and weight." Frida pointed her finger at the long line of applicants, primarily males.

"Fine!" She rolled her eyes and grasped the folder from the compartment where her application forms and other requirements were neatly placed.

"Are you sure about this? Why don't you help your dad manage the farm at home?" Her cousin sounded doubtful.

"Farming is great, but it's not my cup of tea. I want a thrill."

"Whatever. Best of luck."

Shari wore her dark aviator sunglasses before going down the car. She confidently walked to fall in line as if she were a ramp model. And with her inappropriate look as an applicant, all eyes were set on her.

She didn't mind because she was used to it. Shari stood five-foot and seven inches, and with her sandals, she was towering than usual.

Maybe it was her fair complexion that made her attractive. Well, in an Asian standard. She was normally tanned skin. But thanks to the cosmetics and whitening products, she appeared flawless. No one could blame her for investing in skincare since it is the new trend.

Shari waited for her turn for the initial screening. Unbothered by the attention she was getting.

"Excuse me, are you an applicant?" asked a deep baritone voice.

She turned her head and removed her sunglasses when a uniformed police officer appeared in front of her. He was tall, probably a few inches taller than her current height. His skin was perfectly medium tan, and he got tantalizing deep-set eyes. She assumed he had a mixed ethnicity.

"Yes, sir! I'm an applicant. Why?" her one brow raised. She tucked the sunglasses into the pocket of her shirt.

The man cleared his throat. "Are you sure you want to join the police?"

He looked at her stilettos. His eyes paused at her exposed navel, then went up to her face. He lightly shook his head afterward but didn't say a word.

"Of course, I'm very sure!" she sounded certain.

Another uniformed personnel was in charge of the screening process regarding height and weight. The police officer called Shari's surname when it was her turn.

Shari removed the strap of her sandals and gave them to the man who had just confronted her.

"Hold this for a while." She hurriedly walked towards the weighing scale before the man could even protest. She failed to see how shocked the man was. He even stared unbelievingly at the sandals, and yet he was amused at the same time.

After recording Shari's height and weight, she submitted the application inside the office. It was quicker than she expected.

She found the man holding her sandals leaning on the wall right after the building's main entrance.

Shari smiled at him when he handed her the red stiletto. "Thanks."

"What's your surname again?" the man asked.

"Ford. I am Shariah Ford," she said and shrugged.

The man chuckled and crossed his arms. "Best of luck with your application."

She raised one brow. Shari didn't like the way this man doubted her capabilities. His smirk seemed to challenge her. Before she went back to the car, she made sure to know who the man was.


She grinned as her vision caught his nameplate pinned on his blue uniform.

Shari flipped her hair before she turned her back. She walked barefoot to the parking lot, where she found Frida massaging her temple. Maybe she witnessed what happened, but Shari didn't mind at all.

She was determined to get her badge and look for a thrill!