SHARI ignored the loud thud inside her chest when she entered the massive training camp, carrying her personal things inside her huge black backpack. She would stay here for the next six months for her basic police training. Fortunately, she passed all the qualifications. From the entrance exam, agility, neurological test, and medical test. It was not easy, but she had made it this far.

The oath-taking ceremony had just finished, and their hellish training would start from this day. Shari made up her mind. She wanted to do this. She was ready to face all the hardships to survive. Her fate lies on her own alone.

She was not worried since her family was very supportive, especially her fiancé, Renzo. He was actually her inspiration for why she wanted to join the police, just like him.

Shari took a long, deep breath before she walked toward her barracks. It was a two-story building in the rear part of the camp.

This is it! She thought as he held her hair. It was almost shaved, probably an inch long. It was mandatory for a trainee, and she never regretted cutting her precious silky-dyed hair. Since the recruitment started, she also waved goodbye to her shimmering skin.

A fellow female trainee greeted her when she reached the barracks. "I guess the next days will be hell. But we can do this! I'm Pamela, by the way."

"I'm Shari. Nice meeting you." They exchanged a firm handshake.

Pamela would probably be her training buddy, and they must always be together, per the camp rule. As they converse further, Shari learned that Pamela had a son, and her husband was also a policeman.

"We'll survive this! Mind over body, that's our new mantra." Shari said positively.

Shari could not hide her excitement about the training. She was based in Manila and working as an IT specialist in a well-known shipping company, where she encountered a minor problem since she accidentally accessed top secret information—the reason she resigned.

Shari came from a well-off family, and money was never an issue. Although a Filipino-American couple adopted her, they loved her just the same. She just turned twenty-three a few months ago. She had an older brother, Sage, who adores her so much. He was the one taking care of the family business.

Shari's adoptive family never complained despite her giving them headaches while growing up. She loves adventure, and they always supported her, just like now. Although Renzo played a big part in this decision. Shari thought it was cool to get a badge and be in action holding a gun. She would serve and protect the country!

"Mate, hurry! It's formation time." Pamela panicked.

Shari quickly ran to the massive ground outside for the formation. All the trainees belong to a specific company. She and Pamela were in the Delta. They were twelve platoons in total.

"Count off!" The battalion commander's voice reverberated.

Everyone obeyed, and the counting started in haste. During this time, Shari knew what would happen. They might be doing exhausting exercises—wake up at daybreak for jogging and unlimited cardio. She didn't mind. Her body had somehow adapted to this routine. The training instructor seemed to enjoy seeing them suffer first before providing the meal.

She never complained, even if she was cursing inside her mind. There were lots of prohibited things inside the training camp. They were not allowed to use communication gadgets, and even bringing their food was forbidden except for their meals. They had to follow strict protocol because if not, all of them would suffer the consequences.

They had been doing this for weeks now. Repeatedly, but they couldn't protest at all.

LEVI looked at the trainees in line doing their routine exercises. He carefully pulled over when his car reached the parking area of the camp. This would be the first day to report for his reassignment.

He came from the Provincial Office and was now assigned to the Regional Office. It appeared that he would handle the trainees until the order from the higher-ups hadn't arrived yet. Levi thought it might be good. Surely, he would be entertained by the recruits.

He graduated with flying colors at the Philippine National Police Academy and was now a full pledge Police Senior Inspector at twenty-seven. Some were saying he was too young for a high-ranking position. But he earned it. He had been into a lot of training and schooling. And because of it, trainees were afraid of him being super strict.

Here I am again.

Levi breathed loosely and looked at his tactical wristwatch. His arrival was just in time. He hurriedly went to the Admin Building after he parked his car.

"PSI Levi Noam Hirsch, reporting for duty, sir!" His hand raised and made a snappy salute when he entered the office of the Regional Director—General Alberto Manalang.

"Carry on, have a seat," said the old man.

Levi was seated on the empty receiving chair beside his mahogany table.

"Thank you, sir."

The General smiled. "I think you get why you are reassigned here for a while. You'll be handling the trainees in their militaristic while waiting for the order for you to become the Chief of Police here in the city."

Levi nodded. "Yes, sir. No problem. It's my pleasure."

Militaristic was a part of the Public Safety Basic Recruit Course. The recruits would undergo a basic training of six months and another half a year of training for their Field Training Program. And prior to their actual duty, they were required to undergo mandatory special training of the Special Counter-Insurgency Unit Training Course for forty-five days.

"I'm counting on you. Tomorrow, the trainees will change camp for their Militaristic."

"I will take good care of everything." He reassured the old man.

"Be careful. You know the danger in the new location. Make them follow the protocol. I believe in you."

"I will do my best." Levi smiled. He knew this would not be easy. Especially the camp for militaristic had been compromised before. Enemies once infiltrated the area. The surrounding security was tighter than usual to avoid another tragedy.

General Manalang briefed him more, and they casually talked after. The General immediately dismissed him so he could visit the nearby office to chat with his colleagues.

"Falcon, the trainees' creep is back!" One of his colleagues joked, Allen. He was also the instructor of the recruits in Marksmanship.

"That's not true! I'm very kind." Levi laughed after exchanging a fist bump with Allen.

"Kind when sleeping." A policewoman dived into the conversation. Missy—she was one of the Assistant Training Instructors. They would be his team when the militaristic training starts.

"We're well behaved, Missy. Just teaching the trainees the proper discipline. Especially these days. People looked down on us as if incapable of serving and protecting them." Allen lightly shook his head.

"Yeah, you have a point." Missy was convinced.

"I'm not arguing with you guys. I'll excuse myself. I need to secure my things for tomorrow. Since we'll stay in the mountain again." Levi chuckled.

The two nodded, and Allen tapped his shoulder before leaving the office.