AS A punishment for what happened during the land navigation, Shari and Pamela were forbidden to eat their dinner. She repeatedly apologized to her buddy because she dragged her into this mess. They were also penalized to run ten lapses on the oval, and now they were exhausted. Currently, they were inside their barracks, resting.

"Pam, I'm really sorry about this. Don't worry. I'll find ways to look for food." Her conscience kept bugging her.

"If that's another take life, never mind. I can stand the hunger. Let's just sleep, and tomorrow we'll be fine." Pamela smiled, and this lessened the guilt inside her heart.

"Aren't you starving?" she asked with slight hesitation.

Pamela shook her head. "No. I ate too many guavas before they caught us."

"All right." She breathed loosely. However, it was not the same case for her. She was hungry. Sometimes, she hated that she couldn't do fasting because her head felt light. She didn't get a chance to eat guava earlier. Her tummy was empty.

"Stay here. I need to go somewhere. And I'll be quick." A brief smile came and went across Shari's face.


"Relax, I won't take long. No one will notice we're not together because everyone is busy with dinner."

"Okay." She agreed with a silly nod.

Shari stood up from her bunk bed. One of the rules in the camp—the buddies could not be separated at all times. The reason she and Pamela were always together, even going to the bathroom.

She hurriedly ran toward the concrete fence where she could buy biscuits outside. But immediately flinched when she witnessed three senior officers guarding the place.


Shari held her rumbling stomach. She pitied her situation because she didn't know what to do. But she had to think of ways to survive.

She found herself smiling when a coconut tree came to view. It was approximately two meters high. Her head moved around to check for people and CCTV cameras. Shari prayed that she would not be caught once she started picking a coconut fruit. Too bad it was out of her reach.

She looked down. Several coconuts were on the ground. Without hesitation, she picked one. It appeared fresh, and it would probably not affect her health. Her only problem now was to cut it open.

It was better than nothing. She walked away but paused when a familiar voice from behind called her.


Oh, no! Not again. She bit her lower lip when she turned in the direction of the voice. Shari quickly tosses the coconut on the side.

"Sir…" Shari smiled awkwardly. If he penalized her again, her body would give in. She needed energy and proper rest.

"What are you doing?" his forehead creased. Surprisingly, his voice was low.

"Nothing, sir." She hardly shook her head and glanced at the coconut on the ground.

"I'm asking you properly." There was a warning in his voice. Shari was left with no choice but to tell the truth.

"I'm… starving, sir." She averted her gaze. Then she heard him sighed

"All right, follow me to the office. I have food there."

"I-I'm sorry?" She gaped, thinking she heard it wrong. Maybe she was too hungry that she started to hallucinate. Would this be another punishment? She was apprehensive because of his serious expression, but he appeared calm, unlike early this morning when his eyes were dark with desolation.

"You heard me. Come on." He turned around and walked away.

Shari did not hesitate to hasten her pace behind him.

"HAVE a seat," Levi ordered the trainee when they entered his office. The girl looked pathetic, trying to steal spoiled coconut on the ground.

He was doing his night rounds earlier when he found her. It was apparent the girl was starving. Missy ordered not to let them eat their dinner as a punishment.

Levi opened the refrigerator to his mini kitchen and grabbed bottled water and five pieces of chocolate bar. He put those on his table, and Shari's eyes widened in surprise.

"Eat it. You said you were starving." He sat on his swivel chair and scrutinized her sunburned face. She was hesitating to touch the chocolates.

"But, sir…" her eyes dimmed when she gazed at him and swallowed hard.

"That's an order. Come on, hurry up before I change my mind."

"No!" Shari hurriedly grabbed the chocolates and opened the wrapper. She ate fast, and she almost choked.

Levi hurriedly opened the bottled water and gave it to her.

Shari's eyes welled up while chewing the chocolate. Levi found himself pitying her more. This was just another humanitarian reason for him. At least this simple gesture made someone happy.

It would be nice to be compassionate sometimes. He thought.

Granted that he might be unfair to the other trainees. But this girl deserves these little things. She was full of mischief, but she was the best in academics—stubborn yet witty and bright. Besides, he felt guilty about what he had done to her earlier. Maybe he was too harsh. His emotions dashed over, and he hurt her physically.

This girl was clueless about how worried he was when trainees went missing during the land navigation. Especially when he found out it was the two girls, Shari and Pamela... again.

"Thank you so much for this, sir!" Shari almost choked for the second time as she brushed her eyes, perhaps trying to hide her tears.

"Don't mention it. I hope you'll keep this just between us. Consider this a peace offering for hurting you earlier. I hope you understand why I did that. I was really worried for your safety."

"You don't have to be sorry, sir. It was my fault. We were thankful because you rescued us there." A corner of her mouth tugged upward, showcasing her perfect white teeth.

Levi's lips twitched up to form a smile. "If there's a problem, tell me. And please, don't break the rules."

The girl nodded. "Yes, sir. I promise."

His smile broadened. "Good."

MEANWHILE, in front of the mahogany desk, Shari intently gazed at Levi. It was the first time she witnessed him in that expression. His smile was too damn perfect! He had a dimple on his left cheek. If only he smiled often, he would look less evil.

At this moment, Shari was ecstatic. She appreciated his effort to feed her. Levi violated one rule for her. Maybe she was too pathetic, and she could not blame him. She was feeling hopeless indeed. Maybe her guardian angel loves her a lot. Imagine, her worst nemesis just came to help her.

"Take a rest. Your classmates are busy with dinner. Nobody will notice you're here. Don't worry. My office had control of the CCTV." Levi said, still smiling.

Shari hardly shook her head. "I would love that, but no. I couldn't take advantage."

Now she realized how Levi always caught her doing nasty things inside the training camp. There must be a lot of hidden cameras around!

Levi's brow raised. "Okay, your choice. I hope the chocolates were enough to satisfy your hunger."

"Thanks a lot, sir. I owe you this one."

Levi nodded. "All right."

Shari drank the remaining water, and she was more than full. She never expected he would be this considerate.

"I'll go back to the barracks." She stood up.

"Carry on."

She gave him a salute after he dismissed her. Shari was beaming as she strolled back to her barracks. But she paused when Pamela came into view, running towards her.

"Where have you been? What took you so long?" Pamela said in shortness of breath.

"I looked for food." She averted her gaze and went on, "Why are you in panic?"

"Another bad night. There was chaos while you were gone. Bartolome was punished because one of the seniors overheard him badmouthing an official."

Shari laughed. "Serves him right! What happened then?"

"He was buried, alive!" Pamela's eyes widened.

"What?!" her jaw dropped.

She scurried to see her most hated classmate. He was indeed buried. Most of his body was under the sand. Only his head was visible. Beside him was his buddy, lighting a candle.

"You cannot go back to the barracks until that candle fades into dust!" the male training instructor growled.

"And you," he pointed to the guy lighting the candle. "Sing your favorite death song for your buddy who just passed away."

The training instructor looked at the crowd. "Everyone, let's pray for the soul of Bartolome as he peacefully joined our creator."

Laughter reverberated around. But Shari held herself, she never liked Bartolome, but she feel sorry for him. He must be really embarrassed.

Everyone was shocked when the guy suddenly burst into tears and sobbed hard. He pleaded to the instructor, but he just ignored him.