ALL the trainees were given a one-day pass. Shari was elated because, after almost two months, she could finally see the 'outside world.' She wanted to go home to see her family, but it was far from the training camp. Her day off would only be consumed on travel.

Shari's lips twitched and formed a smile when she found her fiancé, Renzo, waiting outside the training camp. He looked gorgeous in his gray shirt and faded blue jeans. And as usual, he maintained his clean-cut hair. He could pass as a model if he didn't choose to be a man in uniform. She was glad that he proposed a few months ago.

"Babe!" Her eyes sparkled with so much joy.

Renzo spread his arms wide. Shari ran toward him and immediately gave him a warm hug. A familiar feeling of being at peace filled her body. Finally, she could hold him like this. She missed him so much.

"I miss you!" Shari looked up at him, and he gave her a quick peck on her lips.

Shari had seen Levi's black pickup truck going out the gate. But she didn't mind, even if he saw her being touchy with Renzo. It was her way of making him realize that despite her current look, someone genuinely loved her.

Shari hurriedly went inside Renzo's car after the pickup truck was out of her sight. They planned to eat together at their favorite Korean restaurant in the city.

"I missed you so much, Sha." Rezo did not let go of her hand while he was driving. He kissed the back of her palm from time to time.

"I can't wait to get my badge so we can work together." She was smiling ear to ear. A little more to endure, and the badge would be within her reach.

They reached their destination. Renzo parked his car and entered the two-story building while holding each other's hands. After being seated at the restaurant's far end, he immediately ordered their favorite dish.

The food came immediately. It was the popular Samgyupsal. A different kind of lean meat and fat in the pork belly.

"How's your life inside?" Renzo asked while putting some lettuce on her plate. They were grilling barbeque and preparing a hotpot.

"It's hell, but I can manage." She smiled. She started to flip the bacon-sliced pork.

"Just a little patience, and you'll be free. Better enjoy the training. You'll miss it once it's done."

Shari kept blabbering and told him everything that had happened inside the training camp, only that she did not mention Levi.

Renzo was the possessive type and would not like it, especially since Levi was also good-looking.

"I only have one day pass. Let's spend the whole day together." Shari said with dreamy eyes. She longed to be with Renzo. Because not seeing him for days was torture for her.

"I would love that!" Renzo's face beamed.

"By the way, how's your son?" she suddenly asked.

Renzo almost choked. "He's fine."

Shari accepted the fact that he had a son with his ex-girlfriend. The kid was in his mother's custody. It did not matter because he loved him dearly. Renzo never failed to give Shari his time while being a good father to his son.

"Good to hear that. How about the mother of the child?" her one brow raised. She just wanted to make sure that Renzo was hers alone.

Renzo averted his gaze. "I don't know. Maybe she's busy with her boyfriend."

"I'm glad." Shari believed him.

They consumed their food in silence. The day was perfect for Shari. She couldn't wait to be alone with her man. But little did she know, another problem was about to come.

Shari's phone rang. It was given to her after the announcement of the passes. Frida's name popped up on the screen, which she quickly answered. The time she immediately regretted doing so because her cousin had brought a piece of terrible news.

"What happened?" Renzo was worried.

"Something came up. I guess I can't be with you for the rest of the day. I need to see Frida." She started fixing her things because she had lost her appetite. Shari tried to conceal the pounding inside her chest.

"Emergency? Come on, tell me." Renzo urged.

Shari let out a deep sigh and glanced down. "I can't tell you now. It's a family thing."

Renzo nodded. "Okay, I respect that. I'll drive you to Frida's house."

"Sure." They hurriedly went out.

Shari couldn't concentrate while on their way. She stared at Renzo while driving. They were both looking forward to this special privilege so they could spend their time together after a long time. But she had to prioritize this emergency because her future was at stake!

"LOOK, who's here? My lady killer cousin!" Levi's eyes broadened when he recognized his visitor at home.

It was Hadwin, his first cousin from her mother's side. He was a pilot based in Israel. He'd stay in the city for a few days because he accompanied his boss for a site inspection on one of the proposed airports in the province. Hadwin had called and notified him that he'd drop by to see him.

"Levi!" Hadwin hugged him for a moment.

"I'm glad you're back." They exchanged a light punch in their arms. It was their customary greeting.

"How have you been?" Hadwin asked.

"As usual, I'm awesome. What about you? When will you go back to Israel?"

"Oh, come on! I've just arrived, and you are asking me to leave?" Hadwin laughed and added, "I'll stay here for a week. Then I'm going to visit Mom and Dad in Manila. You want to come with me?"

"I'm afraid I can't. I have a hectic schedule at work." He hardly shook his head. He also wanted to see his aunt and uncle, but could not leave his duty.

Levi guided his cousin going to the living room. Hadwin was seated comfortably on the leather couch.

"I don't understand why you wanted to be a police officer. No offense meant. But you can claim your position as CEO of Hirsch Holdings here in the Philippines anytime."

Levi scoffed. "Thankfully, I'm still sane. I will never do that."

"Your brother had recognized you already. Why are you still involved in this dangerous job?" Hadwin was worried. It was evident in the way his forehead creased. "Eitan contacted me, asking for help to persuade you."

"Leave it. I'll never be acquainted with Hirsch Holdings over my dead body." He clicked his tongue. Eitan Hirsch was his older half-brother. They shared the same father—Samuel Hirsch, the infamous Israeli billionaire who sired his mother. He hated the man for abandoning him, and he grew up just fine alone with his mother.

"I'll tell Eitan I tried." Hadwin did not bring up the topic anymore.

"Stay here. I'll get us a beer," Levi said.

Hadwin nodded. He fetched the latest issue of a business magazine from the center table and waited for Levi.

"By the way, how are you and Zeb?" Levi asked when he handed him the icy canned beer. Hadwin was three years older, and his parents pressured him to settle down.

"We're doing well. I plan to propose anytime soon, although we are not in a hurry. What about you and Ingrid?"

Levi remained quiet and only shook his shoulders. "We broke up."

"Holy shit, for real? But you're twenty-seven already. You should have a stable relationship by now."

"I'm over her. It simply didn't work out. Besides, with the nature of my job, it's hard to find a woman who can understand me." He raised his hand and chugged his beer.

Hadwin drank his beer. "You should look for a girl in the same field. Problem solved!"

Levi found himself grinning mischievously at his cousin. "I will try."

"Cheers on your love life!" Hadwin lifted his beer.