SHARI jumped in happiness as soon as the judge uttered the word she'd been praying to hear.

"Case dismissed," said the male judge in his early sixties with a receding hairline.

The complainant from the other side expected the verdict and wasted no time going out of court. Two lawyers holding their briefcases gave a furtive glance to Shari but didn't say a word.

She immediately hugged Frida, who personally accompanied her to the final trial. At the same time, Levi was there, too. Despite his busy schedule, he managed to come with her to Manila.

The Fords were also present to witness the final trial, aside from Sage, who oversaw the farm because it was planting season. Shari's parents were smiling widely.

Shari had to embrace her lawyer as well while tears slowly formed in her eyes. "Thank you so much, Attorney."

"Don't mention it. Justice has been served." Sierva grinned.

"This calls for another celebration!" Sean Ford sounded excited. He kissed his daughter's forehead. "Now, you won't be stressed anymore, darling."

"Yes, Dad." Shari looked at Levi afterward, and he only gave her a nod.

"Let's go home and celebrate!" Frida said.

After the legal proceedings, everyone immediately boarded their flight going back to Legazpi in the afternoon. And it seemed they were plotting something because they were in a hurry to leave the airport as soon as the plane landed.

"Hey, I thought we were going to celebrate?" Shari complained when they noticed their unusual behavior.

Frida pinched her side waist and whispered. "Cut the crap. We all know you guys wanted to be alone."

Shari's eyes widened. Were they that obvious?

Sean tapped Levi's shoulder. "Take good care of my daughter."

Levi smiled. "Yes, sir."

"Let's go." Sean grasped his wife's hand and exited the airport along with Frida and Sierva.

Shari shook her head in disbelief. "I can't believe my dad would leave me like this."

Levi cleared his throat. "Well, I've talked with him before attending the hearing. I asked if I could take you on a date after the verdict."

"Oh?" her one brow raised, "Dad must like you a lot."

"That is because I'm deserving." Levi chuckled and held her hand. "Anyway, I asked my driver to leave my car at the parking. Shall we?"

Shari smiled and excitedly tilted her head in agreement.

THEY found Levi's black pickup truck parked nearby. He opened the door on the passenger side and closed it again after she hopped in.

"Where are we going?" she asked when Levi started the engine. "Aren't you going back to your office?"

Levi glimpsed at his wristwatch. "Probably later. I want to treat you to a nice dinner first."

"Great! I would love that."

"I know you will." His lips formed a mischievous smile while he focused on the road.

Shari had a plan in mind as well. Since she promised to give him a chance, this would be the best time to make their relationship official. Her embezzlement case was dismissed, and she had her badge. What else could she ask for?

She was happy with Levi's company. He made her feel loved even in his smallest gestures. However, she wasn't sure if it would last. Having developed a severe trust issue made her somehow hesitant about their relationship. What if he'd cheat on her as well?

Shari lightly shook her head to erase that nasty thought. It would be unfair to Levi. She liked him, and hopefully, it would turn to love as the days went on. Being a good girlfriend to him was the best she could offer.

"Where are we going?" Shari asked after a while when she noticed he was driving to the outskirts of the city.

"It's a surprise," Levi answered.

"This is a high-risk area. Please drive quickly." Shari became agitated. They were traveling on the road near the cliff, and large waves crashed on the shore below them.

"You worry too much." His hand moved and gently tapped the back of her palm resting on her legs. "We're almost there."

"All right."

They arrived at a three-story residential building with an enormous rose garden and coconut trees planted, stretching both sides of a hundred-meter driveway. Levi pulled over when they reached the garage.

"This is our vacation house. I want you to meet someone." Levi said after he turned off the engine.

"Who?" Shari was curious.

Levi ignored her questioning face as he guided her to the main entrance while holding her hand. A vast living room greeted them with a rustic interior design.

A lady was waiting there, who immediately stood up from the brown leather couch as she saw them approaching her. Shari looked at the woman's regal face. She might be in her mid-fifties, having a tall and slim figure that perfectly matched her fair skin.

"Levi! You're finally here." The woman's face beamed and focused on Shari. "Hello, pretty one."

"Good evening, Ma'am!" Shari politely greeted her by lightly arching her head to acknowledge her presence.

"Hi, Mum! I missed you." Levi hurriedly greeted her with a kiss on both her cheeks.

Shari hid her baffled face upon realizing that Levi had brought her home to meet his mother!

She was still dumbfounded when Levi's mother went after her and kissed her cheek. "The only girl, my son, had introduced to me. You must be Shari."

"Y-yes, Ma'am." She smiled shyly.

Levi's mother looked at her from head to foot. There was no judgment in her eyes despite her looking ridiculous. Her hair was still short, though it had grown three inches already. But her sunburn hadn't healed yet. There was amusement in Mrs. Hirsch's eyes.

"Mum, don't intimidate Shari. I'll leave her to you. Let me just check if everything is ready." Levi winked.

Shari wanted to protest because she didn't know how to react to her mother. If she only knew he was planning to introduce her, she would decline at this moment because she still appeared like a delinquent boy with a bleak future.

"Don't be shy. You must be really special. I hope you'll love my son despite his imperfections."

"O-of course, ma'am—"

"Oh, better start calling me 'Mum' instead." Mrs. Hirsch giggled.

"But Mrs. Hirsch—"

"Not that. Definitely not that one." Her eyes widened, "Didn't my son tell you I had him out of wedlock? I hope you'd still accept him after knowing he's an illegitimate son of an Israeli businessman."

Shari looked down. Levi's mother told her everything as if it was not a big deal. She knew about his family background but didn't delve deeper since Levi never mentioned his father.

"I just want to make sure you'd stick to him because my son suffered a lot growing up. Are you familiar with Samuel Hirsch?"

Shari shook her head. The name was familiar, but she wasn't sure where she had heard it.

"He's Levi's father, who abandoned him when he was three." There was still a hint of bitterness in the woman's voice. "If you can't call me 'Mum' because you're uncomfortable, you may call me Aunt Lalaine."

"I guess I'd prefer 'Mum,'" Shari smiled.

Lalaine laughed. "I like you. Come, the dinner must be ready. Levi had made all the house helpers take a day off except our personal chef."

They strolled to the dining room, where the massive rectangular table was filled with different dishes.

"This is my treat. I want us to have a sumptuous meal." Levi said. He stood beside the chef, wearing a black and white uniform.

"But who would eat all of this?" Shari studied every food on the table. Different kinds of meat, vegetables, salads, and fruits.

"Don't worry, the helpers will be back tomorrow," Levi reassured her. He helped her mother settle on her seat and assisted Shari next.

They started eating in silence. But Shari almost choked when Lalaine asked all of a sudden.

"So, when will you get married?"