"MUM, come on! Don't pressure Shari. We are not even dating officially." Levi stared at her mother after sipping red wine.

"Dating officially? Really? I don't think so. You kept blabbering about her like a broken record." Lalaine silently chewed a piece of medium-rare steak.

Shari suppressed her giggle when she saw Levi's ears turn red.

"Don't believe her." Levi glanced at Shari.

Lalaine rolled her eyes. "You guys are at the right age. What's wrong with that? I'm getting old. I want a grandchild. Hmm," she paused, thinking something, "If it's a baby girl… let's name her Visha. It's a combination of your names. Isn't it cute?"

"Mum!" Levi was so shocked.

This time around, Shari coughed several times.

"I-I'm sorry," she said after regaining her composure.

Lalaine laughed aloud. "I'm just kidding. Having a proper mindset about these things would help you set your future together."

"Mum, please don't scare Shari like that."

"Fine, I'll behave."

They went back to eating, and Lalaine didn't say anything afterward. When they finished their meal, Levi immediately invited Shari.

"I have another surprise for you." Levi glanced at his mother after reaching for Shari's hand, "If you'll excuse us."

"Go ahead, love birds. Let me enjoy my wine here." Lalaine raised her wine glass.

Levi guided Shari through the stairs and ascended unhurriedly.

"I'm getting nervous." Shari felt her hands getting cold. She was getting nervous for an unknown reason. Perhaps she was just too excited that finally, they'd be free to be together without any other external factors stressing them out.

"Take it easy. I won't bite unless you say so." Levi smiled mischievously.

Shari was dumbfounded because they were on the terrace on the third floor facing the backyard. She could see the vast coconut plantation below, just like their farm at home.

"I initially planned this on the roof deck, but the weather is unpredictable, so I prepared everything here." Levi presented a grand piano.

"What are you planning?"

"Look at the stars outside. They seemed to complement the full moon. And because you're my special girl, let me show off my music skills."

"Wait, you can play? You never told me." Shari was amazed.

"Of course!" Levi took the piano seat and motioned his hands to the instrument.

The male chef went in with a bottle of wine and poured them into two wine goblets. "Enjoy the night."

"Thanks, Martin. Please look after Mum. She might drink beyond her capacity again." Levi said.

"Sure, no problem." The chef nodded before he excused himself.

Shari grabbed one glass from the small round table near them while Levi started the melody of a romantic song that swayed her heart. He looked graceful while playing the piano. Despite her being unfamiliar with the song since she was never a music person, Shari really liked the mellow rendition that seemed to tickle her ears.

Levi seemed a professional musician. Performing live in front of her felt surreal. It was like they were drifting away from the reality that only the two of them were alone in their own world.

She sipped her wine until Levi finished his piece. "Remarkable! Did you ever have a piano recital when you were younger?"

"I did when I was ten. Who would have thought these hands would be holding guns now?"

Shari laughed. "What was the song you played?"

"To My Wild Jade Vine…"

Shari's forehead creased. "It's quite unfamiliar, but it's so heartwarming. Who's the composer?"

"Me, I started composing it a few weeks ago. I made it for you. To me, you are like a wild flower, beautiful and carefree."

"Oh," she gasped. Shari didn't think he could be this sweet. It was so different from how she viewed him during their first meeting. How could this man be ruthless and affectionate at the same time?

"Don't spoil me this much. I'll be expecting you like this every single time. What if you suddenly realized I'm not your type? Look at me. I could pass as your errand boy."

"I know myself. I will always be consistent no matter what." Levi snatched something from the pocket of his trousers. Shari stared at him in disbelief when she realized it was a small, red velvet box. He opened it, and there were two gold rings. "Don't worry. This isn't an engagement ring, since I don't want to pressure you. These are promise rings."

Shari returned the wineglass to the table and hurriedly went back to Levi. He handed her the bigger ring. "You put this on my ring finger, and I'll put this on yours."

She nodded. Shari felt as if her palms were sweating. "Okay."

"Take this ring, Shariah, as a sign of my promise. I will always protect you and never leave your side, especially when you need me the most. I promise to care for you and be the only woman I'm willing to trade my life with. I am not perfect, but I love you. Will you accept me?" Levi looked at her intently in her eyes as he slowly slid the ring to her finger.

Shari swallowed hard to control her emotions. She felt undeserving of this, but deep inside, she knew she'd do the same for him. "Yes, I accept you as my man. And from now on, I'd do the same. I will protect you with my life. I'll always understand that you have other priorities than me. I promise not to complain and will do everything to be your best partner. I will love you truly…" she put on the ring.

Levi kissed both her hands before hugging her tight. "I'm so happy. This is the best night of my life!"

"Same here." She felt Levi's lips touch her forehead before he cupped her face. "D-don't look at me like that. I always get conscious. I still look ridiculous, right?"

Levi shook his head. "Never. To my eyes, you are the prettiest. I never thought my little crush on you would develop like this. And I never regretted it."

He leaned in, and his strong arms pulled her closer. Shari gazed up and closed her eyes when Levi claimed her lips. His kiss was so gentle, but it went deep when his tongue playfully explored her mouth.

However, as they enjoyed their romantic moment under the warm illumination of the full moon, countless footsteps were rushing inside the house. A group of men wore black uniforms, unrecognizable because of their bonnets, and they carried high-caliber rifles. With their stealth movement, it was evident that all were professionals in this field.

Shari and Levi immediately broke the kiss when they heard Lalaine's scream followed by several thuds… and with their trained ears, they both knew those were gunshots.

Levi was immediately alerted. "Follow me."

They hastily moved to go to Levi's bedroom on the same floor. He pulled the drawer and handed her a high-end caliber .45. Levi grasped his own gun and cock it. He peeked at his window and saw several shadows lurking around.

"Damn!" Levi silently cursed upon realizing the house was surrounded.

Shari tried to remain levelheaded despite the nonstop pounding inside her chest. She prepared herself after she cocked her gun.

"I know you're an excellent marksman, but let's not make our emotions run over us. Are you ready?" Levi asked.

Shari nodded. They positioned themselves beside the king-sized bed while their guns were aimed at the door.

They were ready to pull the trigger when the door barged open. But they halted upon seeing Lalaine having an injury in her arms, and her eyes were swollen. A big guy held her neck with a gun pointed at her temple. Four other guys were behind, carrying pistols with lasers aimed at Levi and Shari's heads.

"Put your guns down, or she'll die!" said the man holding Levi's mother.

Shari and Levi looked at each other and slowly obeyed. They placed their weapons on the carpeted floor. Lalaine seemed oblivious to what was happening. She was merely blinking with her still stunned face.

"They killed him… they killed Martin…." Lalaine said, almost inaudible.

The intruders only chuckled as if it was not a big deal.