WHILE Levi and Shari were fighting for their lives, the Fords were unaware of their ordeal. They were merrily celebrating at home, unaware of the tragedy that befallen the couple that night. Thessa had cooked a lot of food while Sean and Sage prepared their most expensive wine. 

Frida and Sierva were there to have fun with them since they helped Shari overcome the embezzlement case. 

"Should we wait for Shari to arrive?" Frida asked while helping Thessa prepare the food on the table.

Sage dived in with a bottle of liquor at hand. "Let Shari enjoy her time with her boyfriend. He asks Dad about their date. Levi will introduce my sister to his mother. Isn't it amazing?"

"You like him for your sister?" Frida seemed to doubt. 

"I had a background check. I found out he's quite good. Besides, I like his vibe compared to her ex. That bastard!"