AT A SAFE distance from the familiar cliff, Hyrum's yacht moved away fast. He was glad that he had come early. After reconnaissance with their speedboats, Hyrum and Ling had just entered the cruiser.

"Did I make it according to plan?" A man stood next to Ling, who had just got out of the cabin, still wearing his wet clothes. He was smiling ear to ear, but his proud grin suddenly vanished when he looked at Hyrum carrying an unconscious lady.

"Good job, Jun." He nodded.

"Did I overdo it?" Jun sounded concerned.

"Young master, do you need help?" Ling asked.

Hyrum sighed and looked down. He carried Shari, who was soaking wet and still unresponsive. He had given her first aid after ensuring she only suffered minimal injury despite her grazed gunshot wounds all over her body.

"Geez, I made sure not to hit her. But with the hell she has been through, it's understandable her body shut down." Jun shook his head.