KANA buried her face in her palms when Levi was brought into an emergency room. Deputy Marquez was beside her. 

"Let's keep this confidential until the chief regains consciousness. Why is this happening?" Kana's hair was disheveled. 

"I agree with you. The coast guard is still in search of Ford's body. I hope they'd retrieve her the soonest. I don't know how her family would take this tragedy." Deputy Marquez sat down on the hospital bench. 

Kana let out an exasperated sigh. "What is your take in this case? Do you think the chief had touched some big-time syndicate we don't know?"

"That's one of the angles we're looking into. They must resent him so much that they had to kill everyone with a close relationship with Hirsch."

"I hope the chief will be fine."

They waited almost two hours before an old male doctor came out of the emergency room. The two police officers hurriedly stood up. 

"Doc, how's the patient?" Kana asked.