LEVI heaved a sigh and diverted his attention from those strangers. Maybe it was because of his longing for Shari that he'd mistaken someone else. He silently proceeded for his transfer because he had a connecting flight going to Legazpi. 

While on the plane, he reiterated his plans. He'd waste no time catching those criminals and make sure to suffer in his hands. 

It took him over forty minutes when the plane landed. And he was not expecting someone waiting for him as soon as he went out of the arrival area. 

"Captain!" It was Kana Fujiwara who immediately gave him a salute. "Welcome back!"

"Lieutenant, it's nice to see you." Levi lightly smiled. He started walking to the exit with his medium-sized backpack. He traveled alone, despite Eitan's request to have a bodyguard. He vehemently refused, especially now that he had recovered and could protect himself. He only informed Deputy Marquez.