LEVI checked the farmhouse a day before his flight back to Manila. He returned to Legazpi to meet Kana and Leandro. After their meeting, he decided to drop by here.

The yellow tape surrounding the house was still there. It took him a lot of willpower before he went inside because the door was open. The living room was already clean, as if nothing had happened. The couch was covered in white cloth, and the same types of furniture were hung—flower paintings and the huge oil paint portrait of the family. However, there were some visible holes. Those were probably gunshots.


Levi turned to the voice. It was a plump old man who was unfamiliar to him. "Do you know me?"

The man smiled. "I'm Pablo. You probably don't know me, but I've seen you many times here. I work on this farm, and after the incident, they made me the caretaker of the house."