LEVI was seated comfortably as if everyone at that table were acquainted with him. Meanwhile, Bien looked at Levi as if he had just met him for the first time. 

"How may I help you?" Bien politely asked. 

"I am the president of Hirsch Holdings. It's nice to meet the COO of the Cheng Shipping Lines. Perhaps we could do some business together. What do you think?"

"Oh," Bien gasped as if surprised. He stood up and lay his hand. "It's my pleasure to meet you. But I think CSL is not looking for an additional investor."

Levi stood and acted calm. With all the prying eyes around, they couldn't show their intention to be at each other's throats. He held his hand firm to convey his message. 

"Is that so? How about I buy fifty percent of your shares?" Levi smirked.

Their eyes met, and their grip on each other's hands tightened. No one wanted to let go as if they measured who was stronger.