SHARI opened her eyes, and Francesco's wondering face greeted her. She had to blink several times, trying to remember what had happened. And then her memories came like a flash since the night when she almost died of hypothermia.

"You are awake at last." Francesco was stirring a cup of hot milk. 

Shari got up, and a stinging pain in her head made her grimace. "How long have I been unconscious?"

"Since yesterday. You had a fever. It must be the cold."

She glanced around. "Where is Bami?"

Francesco's forehead creased. "Who is that?"

"The kitten!" Shari was horrified, thinking that this man might have killed that poor creature.

"Oh, it's recovering. Where did you get that thing?"

She heaved a deep sigh. "It's a long story."

He handed her the cup of milk. "Drink this. I'm interested in how you survived."

"How dare you leave me there alone. I almost died!"