SHARI was mesmerized to see Luca Alfieri in the flesh that she couldn't take her eyes off him. She couldn't believe the man was younger than she had expected. Luca was in his mid-forties, and he exuded a dark aura despite the smile on his face that seemed harmless. His prominent gray eyes complimented his short stubble. Luca wore an onyx-colored trench coat and casually puffed on his smoking pipe.

Luca sat on the chair at the center of the stage. Four bodyguards in black uniforms stood at the back with poker faces.

"I can't believe he's young!" Shari silently exclaimed.

"You seemed elated, Shi." Gio was amused by observing Shari's expression.

"I want to work for him. The pictures I gathered about him do not do any justice in person." She felt like a teenager who had seen her favorite actor, except that her intention was darker. Who would have thought she'd meet the man this early? Too bad that she wasn't prepared to be on his turf at the moment.