ALTHOUGH Anna's voice kept calling, Levi's feet seemed to have a mind of their own. He scurried toward the girl, who didn't move even an inch when he approached her. 

There she was, the innocent face he'd been longing to see, except that she appeared different from his imagination this time. The woman he gazed upon had long wavy hair dyed auburn. She had fair skin. But the most striking attribute of her face was her eyes… they looked sad as she met his. 

Levi immediately halted from coming near because of the realization. How many times he did this in the past five years? How many faces like hers did he bump into? Countless. Maybe because of his extreme longing.

But… she was different. This woman… looking directly at him without a hint of recognition in her eyes.

Levi, calm yourself, Shari is dead. That's not her.

Levi reminded himself. He had internal struggles about whether he'd approach her or not.