LEVI stood and walked back and forth as Shari's companion continued to tell her story. By their looks, he was sure they were telling the truth. Besides, the man's tale concurred with the events in the past. How could he doubt it? He was still stoked knowing Shari was alive!

Levi had been through a lot for the last five years. He forced himself to live to avenge his mother's death and the tragedy of the Fords. He even believed that the informant from before was Shari. But now, seeing how weak and sick Shari is, the idea is ridiculous. 

"We have a lot of time to discuss all that happened to her, Mr. Hirsch. Five years was so long. I don't want to omit any important detail that you might want to hear," Lei made sure that he told everything clearly according to their plan. Levi would surely investigate, and Shari's scheme would be jeopardized once he saw the discrepancy.

"Let's not talk about it. It makes me upset." Shari was fidgeting.