BIEN immediately answered when Hyrum video called. "I will never forgive you if something happened to Akie!"

Hyrum sighed as if bored. "I'm not mood for a drama. However, I'm generous. I should let you peek." He sniggered, showing what was going on behind him.

Bien face turned pale when he saw Akesha in the bed with only her underwear. Her hands and feet were tied, and she was crying. There were ten men in their boxer shorts, and all wore face masks. 

"Help me! Don't do this to me!" Akesha wailed.

"Hyrum, you devil—"

Hyrum went back to the screen. "Do you think Akesha can survive ten rounds? Oh, make it eleven. I'll be the first to try her. I've been dying to take her since we were young." Hyrum winked.

"Fuck you! Fuck you!" Bien couldn't keep his cool, knowing Hyrum had a penchant for beautiful girls. It wasn't a secret that Hyrum couldn't control his libido and got into trouble because of it.