SHARI and Lei stared at each other upon hearing about Jun's current condition. Hyrum must have been notified since the van had accelerated faster than before. When they arrived near the location, Lei took a different path and parked the car beside a gigantic Narra tree a few meters away from the barbed wire fence of the building on the rear part.

They got out of the vehicle after securing the area. It was dark, and the road wasn't paved. Shari counted the guard patrolling around, guarding the exit. There were only four men holding rifles.

They waited until there was a total blackout. Kai was already on the move. He turned off the main switch, and the people inside the warehouse were in complete disorder, making the rear guards open the back door to check what was happening inside. 

Shari using her stiletto knife, moved in stealth to slit the throats of the two guards. It was so swift that those men couldn't scream.