"DO YOU not recognize those men?" Levi asked while driving. He followed Hyrum's car and the private ambulance because he wanted to know more about the misunderstanding among the Cheng family. It would be hard for him to catch Hyrum Cheng if he didn't take this chance.

"Are they somehow familiar with you?" Levi questioned her again.

"The Cheng cousins? Of course, I know them, silly! I have given you a detailed report about the hierarchy of their organization. And you're asking me if I know them?" Shari smiled. 

"I mean, they are connected to you. I'm guessing you still don't remember." Levi sighed. 

"What do I need to remember?" Shari asked innocently. She could tell Levi hesitated to answer.

"Never mind." Levi concentrated on the steering wheel, making sure not to lose the vehicles in front of them. "It could trigger you again. Let's wait until you remember them yourself."