LEVI did not hesitate to ask regarding the warehouse incident. "Tell me what happened to one of your warehouses, Mr. Cheng. Your family had silenced the media about it, considering it only happened a few weeks ago. Even the authorities suddenly dropped the case."

Hyrum chuckled. "Do you really want me to answer that? I'm afraid it's going to be nasty."

"I did you a favor tonight." Levi was firm.

"I know, and I'll return the favor by telling you everything. I'm amazed despite your busy schedule. You came rushing to help me. Is it safe to assume that we're friends now?" Hyrum teased.

Levi's eyes narrowed. "Whatever."

Shari gazed down to conceal the smile on her face. It felt like she was listening to two teenage boys having a misunderstanding. 

"Why don't we share a couple of beers while talking? You may think I'm a lousy host."

Shari suddenly spoke. "I would love that!"

Levi glanced at her with a warning. "We don't need to—"