
  We left Jack and Marie and went back to the pack-house. I really wanted to spend some time and get to know Maxine. Everything was happening so fast I just wanted to know more about her.

  "So tell me about yourself. I know most of what I need to know like you're kind hearted, compassionate, and you put others before yourself but there is a lot I don't know about you. I want to know everything."

  She nodded letting me know she understood.

  "I feel the same way about you. I mean you're sweet and caring. I can tell you must be a great leader. But I want to know more about you as well. Since you asked first I guess I should start. First off I love the color green in any shade. I also am sort of a book worm. I spend most of my free time reading.

  I don't have a tragic backstory so to speak although there have been some ups and downs here and there mostly to do with Ashley. I like-" I cut her off right there.