
  I couldn't believe it. Everything stood still as I watched him mark her. What the hell was I supposed to do now?

  This was definitely not how I expected things to go. I really thought he would choose me.

  I went through all of that trouble just to have it blow up in my face. Luca was certainly a worthy opponent. The thought made me want him even more.

  He may have marked Maxine but if he thought he was through with me he had another thing coming. I didn't like losing and Maxine would pay for what she did to me.

  I walked out and left. I couldn't stand looking at the two of them any longer. I had to clear my head so that I could figure something out. It would only be a matter of time before they found out the truth and I didn't want to be around when they did. I may have been blonde but I wasn't stupid.