
  I couldn't believe what just happened. Now everyone knew that Dreydon was my mate. I didn't understand it. I thought he didn't want me. I sure as hell didn't want him.

  "Imagine that," said Luca grinning.

  I was so screwed now. There was nothing I could do to get me out of this mess.

  "Yeah. Well um if there's nothing else I guess I'll be going," I said wanting to get the hell out of this house as fast as possible.

  "No there's nothing else you're free to leave. I wouldn't want to keep you from your true mate. Congratulations to both of you," Luca said, still smiling. It made me sick to my stomach.

  I walked to the door. When I was outside I took a deep breath. What the hell just happened?

  I was about to shift and go for a run when I caught his scent.

  "What the fuck do you want? Just go away!"

  It was Dreydon. I was pissed at him and wasn't bothering to hide it.

  "The hell I will. We're going to talk about what happened there," he said furiously.