67. My Voice

Some of the oil lamps in the hallway were also turned off, leaving some only for lighting.

The guard who had caught me in the kitchen I knew glanced as we parted at the intersection of the hallways, he suspected me. I pretended to turn around when one room was empty, then came out again when I thought he was far enough away. With constant vigilance, I walked carefully, even to the point of having to carry my footwear so that my steps would not make a sound. As I was about to turn towards the passage leading down the stairs to the exit, a Greta Oto flew low beside me. At first it was just one, then came the second and a few other friends.

I'm confused as to where they came from. I turned around and saw those who had now almost filled the hallway behind me. I tried to ignore them and went down the stairs to get to the exit as soon as possible. When I got outside, there were more of them.