68. Couple of Daisy

"Thieves can steal anywhere Sir! It's not the place, it's the skill. If..." 

"Zie...!!" the sword is broken. Slashed Zie's neck, but instantly his body faded into thousands of tiny insects like fireflies. I came out of my hiding place, took the arrow, and intended to stab the person. As I approached, everything was beyond my expectations. It was Naar, who apparently wore a weapon belonging to Azalea. I'm surprised I'm confused too. I retreated, about to run. He grabbed my hand and slammed me into a snowdrift. It didn't hurt, but when I woke up it was gone. This place is empty. I ran after Naar's footprints in the snow and it led to the forest outside camp alpha. I hesitated to leave this place, remembering what I had just experienced with the Nymphs and the fact that they were hunting me. "It will be okay," I tried to convince myself.