117. The incident?

We walked back a few blocks from where we had exited the portal earlier. In front of an apartment building, the guard pointed. "He was there" " she said. "I'm different from the others, for me. My life is more outside, so I know more about technology than the other guards," he asked us to follow him. We crossed a road that was still quiet and covered in a light fog.

"How do we get in?" all apartments, especially luxury apartments like this, must have strict security. 4 boys from the middle of nowhere like you might be mistaken for cosplay or something.

"We won't go inside," Yuushin captioned. "He's the one who will come out to meet us" " this guy is a little out of his mind, it seems, How did the prey come to the predator?

"Bait?" I asked after realizing something.