118. Surrender

His place of residence is far from simple. This place is very spacious, even when compared to my house in Euron. The guard and Yuushin chose to sit in the living room while Winter accompanied me to follow Antonnie to the dining table in the kitchen. Antonie poured a glass of water on the deceiving spirit, at first the marble was just silent then slowly he swirled and melted with the water.

"He's alive!" I said frantically looking at the liquid that was now moving slowly like a slime creature. Antonie laughed at my panicked look. The liquid was now like a dense purple slime and slowly turned black into ink. Antonie took a brush and a piece of paper. Using that ink, he wrote symbols that I did not understand there. Then he folds it up very small, then swallows it. I'm confused about what he did. Winter and I looked at each other in confusion.