148. Someone who came back

We went back, up the stairs to where we first came to this place. I still heard the voice of a monologue in the room by the stairs as well as the regular blubbing. I was ready with my knife, but Naar asked that we go the other way. We headed for the place earlier, along the hallway I saw a red trail of something that was dragged and brought into one of the rooms, the trail disappeared behind the door. Something sounded from inside the room, like the clatter of iron. I stood in front of him to open the door.

Zie threw me quite far from the door, spouting tongues of flame out of the door as soon as the door opened itself. Me and them split up on 2 different sides of the hallway.


My brain was slow to process when Naar asked me to run immediately. As soon as someone comes out of that place then my body reflexes and immediately runs. My destination is the place that contains the liquid tube earlier, something tells me to go there.