149. Smart boy

We had to leave without Andrea. Sorry Of course, but it is also impossible to find and bring his body that we do not even know where. When we got outside I didn't see any change from the house, it didn't change in the slightest but it was strange that when we were inside it was like it was going to swallow us up along with the sound of screaming from Yon.

"I see," they both looked at me. "He's very strange," everything was still silent, it seemed that they were confused by my words. I told both of them what I saw and all about Yon there. They just fell silent with expressions of disbelief.

"We should ask Azalea. Getting away from here for a while, continuing is already impossible because they already know us". I should have taken aim when I saw Yon. Naar asked us to retreat first. Chances are that the barrier will re-emerge or maybe worse he will escape.