I can show you a good time more than your pregnant wife

  ~Zion’s POV~

  After my shower, I went to the kitchen for coffee, and I was greeted by my grandmother’s lovely smile.

  “Good morning, Grandma.”

  “Good morning baby, when did you arrive?”

  “Well, it wasn’t planned. Your granddaughter chose to run away, and I later followed. I’m not sure about her, but I got here around 11 p.m.

  “Oh, poor girl. She must be very tired.”

  “Mmm, she says the house is boring as she has no one to talk to.” I said that as I sipped my double espresso, “So grandma, I was thinking. Are twins not supposed to come out faster than normal?”

  “True, but it also depends that some mothers have to stay for the duration of 9 months.”

  “Grandma, I feel for my wife. I don’t think she can cope anymore. What are the possibilities of a c-session?“ She raised her brows at me, looking at me suspiciously.

  “Is there something wrong with her?”