
He said, at my age, already have a million dollars, live a high life....

It was a lazy afternoon, and I was on vacation visiting family.

At this time, I looked at the old man sitting in the shade, spitting lotus flowers.

His name is Wang Heping, a famous' Sir 'in our town.

However, it is not a scholar, but a fortune-teller.

How old Wang Heping was, where he came from, I do not know, no one knows.

Adults think he's crazy, children think he's a braggart.

But I have a vague feeling that this old man's temperament is different from ordinary people.

What convinced me most was not the old feather fan in his hand.

Two years ago, I saw him walking alone, late at night, to that part of town that everyone avoids, the famous murder house.

Curious, I waited all night.

And Wang Heping actually slept there until it was bright.

I asked him once, aren't you afraid of ghosts?

But Wang Heping laughed and said, "The ghost is afraid of me."

Because of this, I became very interested in this old man and pestered him daily to tell about his supernatural experience.

Originally, I listened to them as stories, but Wang Heping told me mysteriously, which were all true events.

And on top of that, he has saved humans!

When he said this, Wang Heping's expression was not proud, but a deep sense of loss.

Perhaps, the world's best people, always.

After listening to many stories, I have some understanding of Wang Heping's experience.

Finally, one day, when I sat in front of the computer, I decided to write a book about him.

Frontier town in the early '90s.

High school sophomore Wang Heping, was originally self-study, was suddenly pushed into the door of the class teacher startled.

"Wang Heping, come out!"

Wang Heping, who was not good at learning, said nothing, knowing that he might be the head teacher again.

It's a combination of endocrine dysregulation and menopause!

Heart curse more than Wang Heping, dejected went out.

Many students are in schadenfreude, waiting to see his joke, after all, this kind of situation, happened to Wang Heping, too many.

However, to their surprise, from that day on, they never saw Wang Heping again.

"Wang Heping, there is something... I want to tell you that I hope you are prepared."

The head teacher pushed the black frame, his face hesitated.

Wang Heping don't understand OF SAY: "LIU TEACHER, YOU ARE NOT TO LET ME LEAVE SCHOOL? Although I am not good at study, I have never done anything out of line!"

Shook his head, sighed, Liu teacher as if under a lot of strength, just slowly said: "your father has had an accident."


Such as being struck by huge lightning, Wang Heping froze in place, immediately dumbfounded.

In fact, Wang Heping's memory of his father is not so clear.

All memories are understood through the mother's words.

However, his father will send their mother every month to live, and supplies.

Listen to mother Zhang Hua said, father Wang Hongqi in Nanyang as a cleaner.

Because the work is very hard, so can't go home often.

Wang Heping only remembers his father when he was six years old.

Wang Hongqi in the impression is never smiling, very serious, people can not fathom.

"Wang Heping, don't be in a daze any longer. Your mother is waiting for you at home. Hurry back!"

Wang Heping recovered his mind and did not dare to run to the door immediately without any hesitation.

In fact, he was already in a state of confusion, fearing that anything would happen to his father, after all, he was the mainstay of the family.

Without Wang Hongqi, it would be difficult for them both to eat.

Even if not seen for many years, but Wang Hongqi is also his own father, father and son heart, how can not be uncomfortable!

School is forty minutes away from home, out of the school gate began to run unbridled.

It was the first time Wang Heping felt his speed could be so fast.

On weekdays, when he had physical education class, he did not feel that he could speed up to such a level one day. He did not dare to stop. Even though sweat flowed down his face continuously, there was still no stop.

A few neighbors also knew Wang Heping. Watching him running so unbridled, they didn't know what had happened. They also jokingly said, "Why worry, the house is on fire? !"

In normal times, he would have replied a few words, but today he did not have such a mood, completely regardless of anyone's opinion, just hope to run back as soon as possible.


A push away a door he-ping wang looking at sitting in a chair, without a mother zhang hua word hurriedly rushed over, staring at his eyes tightly, because of excitement, and just run for so long, natural breath, can only constant to the mother panting, appears to have too much in his throat.

The mother slowly pulled him in the chair, knowing that the son was very anxious because of this matter, but he was also considering whether he should tell Wang Heping the whole thing.

Zhang Hua is always a more cowardly woman, never had his idea, always listen to the arrangement of others, including her to marry Wang Hongqi also is to listen to the decision of parents, do not have any independent views completely, in the face of such a big thing, had already disorderly square inch.

"Mom, talk to me. What's going on? You tell me."

Holding Zhang Hua's arm tightly, Wang Heping's eyes revealed expectations.

Now especially hope mother can tell him, in fact father is not in danger of life, just injured.

Unfortunately, that's the way it is. The more you fear something, the more it happens.

Zhang Hua covered her face and began the unbridled pain. When she saw her son, she seemed to find the backbone. She hugged him in her arms and kept crying.

Hearers are sad, listeners shed tears!

As if he had guessed that his father had met some irreversible circumstances, Wang Heping's tears were also in the speed of leaving, but he tried to hold back the sadness and kept beating his mother's back, hoping that she could be stronger.

"Mother, before you cry, you tell me what really happened."

After a long while, Zhang Hua slowly recovered from the grief.

Dry tears, intermittent to Wang Heping told the story.

This afternoon Zhang Hua suddenly received a phone call from Nanyang, the city where his father works, Xinshan.

There were no words on the other end of the phone. It was very simple and clear.

Immediately the Wang Heping that paralyZE TO FALL TO THE GROUND DARE NOT believe, constantly mumble OF ASK A WAY, WHY....

"Mom, when are we going to bring Father home, and when are we going to the new mountain?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Hua had no such intention, but kept shaking his head.

Death is the greatest thing, how can we let him die in another country?!

Mother of this practice, let Wang Heping really do not think clearly.

It seems that this thing is not so simple as I imagined, my mother must have something special not to tell myself, in any case to know the whole truth, this can be worthy of my father.

"Mother, what's all this about? Can you tell me why Dad had an accident?" Wang Heping cried, "What does my father do?"

Zhang Hua sighed deeply and looked at him in a hoarse voice and said, "Before you were young, I didn't want to tell you this thing. The most important reason was that I didn't want to delay your study. Since your father had an accident, I had no choice but to tell you to his work.

In the days when he lived with his mother, Wang Heping was very strong and had taken on the responsibilities of a man.

In private, he had already guessed that his father's job was not as simple as he imagined. Otherwise, as a cleaner, how could he not go home all year long. But he believed his father very much, and thought that he would not behave outside, it must be because of his work.

New mountain there unfamiliar, father a person abroad, will be subjected to a lot of danger, although he is not willing to guess in this respect, but it seems that there is no means to control his emotions, do not let him fancy.

"Your father wasn't a janitor. It was just a code name. He was' Sir. '"

Sir? !

The word is both familiar and unfamiliar to Wang Heping.

A teacher may be called a master, and a fortune-teller from street to street may be called a master.

He soon decided that Wang Hongqi should do the latter job.

"Mom, do you mean Dad is Mr. Yin and Yang?"

Zhang Hua sighed deeply, hearing his attitude has explained everything, did not expect that his father should be such a figure, let Wang Heping also have some unprepared.

"Then I don't care what happened to him. Since he's gone now, it's our duty and right to bring him back. We can't leave him in his own country."

Hearing this, Zhang Hua again covered his face, tears along the fingers constantly left, do not know because what will stimulate the mother into this situation, let Wang Heping really do not understand.

"Mom you don't cry, we still think of a way, have arrived, this time you have what difficult to say all out, why hide it."

Zhang Hua sobbed, "It's not that I don't want to take him home, it's that I have no way!"

"What your father did was so secret. How did he die? He didn't tell me why on the phone.

"Then who on earth called you?" "Mr. Wang asked.

"It's your father's partner. His name is Sun Tieshan." Zhang Hua suddenly said seriously, "Son, remember, if you flirt with him, do not believe him, this person is always very mysterious, you should pay more attention to, do not make friends with him!"

As if have predicted what kind of trouble they will encounter, mother's entrust, let Wang Heping heavy focus of the nod.

He was always very filial, whatever his mother said he would obey, especially at this critical moment, he did not want to upset his mother, naturally agreed to her completely.

Originally already know the cause and effect, Zhang Hua is ready to let Wang Heping go back to school, but because of the reason of feeling unhappy, he said to suspend school for a few days, to the teacher please a long vacation, think about it well.

Sudden change in the home, Wang Heping and this age bear the pain that he should not bear, Zhang Hua also very understanding also did not have too much demand.

Originally thought that after a few days things will be completely resolved, but did not expect a few days later home suddenly came an unexpected visitor.

Wang Heping will always remember how dazzling the sun was that day. He had decided to go to school.

In the morning still persuade Zhang Hua, let him not too much sad, if the mood is not good, let her go out to walk more.

But at this juncture, his life, from then on, changed dramatically!