No. 46 at Ease House

Standing in front of Wang and Heping's house was a strange man, about forty years old, wearing a straw hat on his head.

He was dressed very simply, and could not see his face clearly. Wang Heping thought he had gone by the wrong door, but the other party said directly, "Heping did not expect that you would grow so big in a moment. By the way, is your mother at home?"

When he called out his name, Wang Heping was very surprised. There were few relatives in his family and his mother had no good friends.

"Who are you, please?"

When someone spoke at the door, Zhang Hua hurried over. When she saw the bearer, she could not help but step back a few steps, as if she had been frightened!


"Sister-in-law, please feel sorry for your loss! The man interrupted Zhang Hua's thoughts.

Without any hesitation, he put his arm around Wang Heping's shoulder and walked into the room. Then he sat down on the sofa holding his hand and slowly took off his straw hat to see his weather-beaten face.

Besides, it was a face, like a rock that had been dented by years of wind and rain, and made much bigger to the eye, and even judged by its face that it was not a good man.

Although people always say not to judge a person by his appearance, but his face grow too too terror, can be said to be the biggest nightmare, he-ping wang face tight stare at others dare not to have any words, can only silently waiting for him to speak, mother zhang instead of sitting on the side without any action, just not only eyebrows seemed very nervous, I wonder what kind of trouble this man is getting himself into.

"Sister-in-law, about brother this thing is I also feel some surprise, don't think he will be such a thing, that the two of us by letter a month ago, but who had wanted to Yin and Yang are actually two separate now, you can rest assured, this matter I will haunt, although now I also have no whereabouts, but I ask you to believe me."

Zhang Hua shook his head, not seeming to agree with him, as if no longer willing to pursue the matter.

"Yu Tie, I know what you mean by coming here. If you are really good for the Red Flag, then you don't take away his son!"

Wang Heping listened closely to the two of them, wondering what the man called Yu Tie meant.

Do you mean he's going to hurt himself? If that were the case, he would never agree.

There's no way you're gonna leave Zhang Hua here alone.

"Don't worry, Mother, I won't go, and who is this man? Why did he take me away? What the hell is going on here? !"

There are all kinds of problems, really let Wang Heping do not understand, but in the iron but firmly said: "the rules of the teachers, for thousands of years no one can change."

"When YOU and BROTHER HongQI GET MARRIED, YOU SHOULD HAVE such psychological preparation. Why so?"

It seemed that Zhang Hua had already encountered this problem, which made him not only cry again, but how could he be willing to let his son away from him, which was really unacceptable to him. In this situation, he had already been unable to do anything.

Wang Heping stared at Yu sister closely, thinking that he made his mother cry again, because a man can't stand his mother's tears, he immediately said angrily: "I don't care who you are, I ask you to leave my house, otherwise I will blame you!"

Yu Tie seemed to turn a blind eye to Wang Heping's words, and nodded to him, feeling very appreciative, and his face is showing a relatively happy expression.

"Yes, indeed there is Hongqi Brother a few minutes elegant demeanour!"

Did not think that he did not listen to his words, but also here, let Wang Heping instant rage, he actually took the initiative to reach up his hand, ready to let him push away.

When his hand touched Yu iron's body, he was stunned and did not think that the man's strength was so great!

No matter how to push himself, he did not have any action, just tightly looking at each other's face, did not issue any words, as if for this power is also quite do not care, it is unbelievable!

"You have very good courage, boy, but you don't have practice. Come with me!"

Yu Tie can't help but say grabbed Wang Heping's arm and pulled him into the room.

Zhang Hua also did not stop, as if already had figured it out.

Wang Heping now want to struggle, HAVE NO chance CAN ONLY BE TIGHTLY restrained by the other party, the last two people in the bedroom, Wang Heping unconvinced shouted: "Who are you? I'll call the police if you don't let go. I don't care if you're my father's friend. Let me go, you bastard!"

Yu Iron did not want to let go of the meaning, just shook his head to him, then beckoned him to be quiet, this just slowly will own strength gradually appeared a little bit of change.

"When it comes to dealing with people, you must be modest, and I am your father's younger brother, so you must call me uncle."

Wang Heping is really can't guess what is the relationship between two people is brother, is it a cleaner? It made him want to break away from the other side.

"And you want to be my uncle, I tell you, you make my mother cry!"

Yu Tie one Leng, did not think that Wang Heping would say such words, immediately let go of his hand.

The room fell silent.

Neither of them spoke. Wang Heping slowly sat down on the bed.

Yu Tie patted him on the shoulder and finally pulled up a chair and sat down opposite him. "I was right. You will make a very good white-robed wizard in the future!"

Suddenly raised his head, Wang Heping felt as if he had heard an unprecedented noun.

"White Monk, what does that mean? !"

This kind of words only appeared in some novels and magazines, how could there be anyone in the real world who was such a profession, simply impossible, and in his impression was the existence of a liar.

However, Yu Tie was now very serious, "Yes, I am talking about the white monk, this is your father's occupation!"

"He studied under Aru, the famous white-robed sorcerer of Nanyang."

"Because of this, we have a very strict tradition in our sect that if you take him as a teacher, the son will become the new doorman when the disciple dies."

"In this way, our lineage will not disappear. It will continue, having been passed down through dozens of generations."

The more he listened, the more he was shocked. Wang Heping felt that he seemed to be talking in his sleep.

But looking at him so seriously, there was no way to tell whether he was telling the truth or not.

Especially looking at him so serious expression, perhaps what he said is also the truth, let his heart can not help but also greatly hit an exclamation mark!

"Uncle Yu, do you mean that I should take over my father's profession?"

Unconsciously his address has changed, because in his mind Wang Hongqi is a very tall man.

Though he had not been with him growing up, through all his deeds, and all his mother had told him, he had always felt that his father was always like a patron saint, secretly protecting them, and that both of them had a different feeling for him.

In iron smile way: "SAY RIGHT, I just want to pick you back to Nanyang to see master."

Wang Heping was caught off guard by the sudden change. He did not know whether he could succeed or not. He was shocked to hear that he was going to become a legendary white-robed wizard like his father.

But before he could be too happy again, a tub of cold water was poured on his head. Yu Tie suddenly turned the conversation around and said slowly, "Although you are the son of Hongqi, if you don't have such real skills, we can't take you under the door. I will give you a small test."

It is not so simple!

Wang Heping immediately asked, "What test?"


If other places Wang Heping may not know, but the town of 46 is known to everyone, that is the legend of a very scary ghost house, no one dare to live there.

It is said that for several decades, there was a mother and son who lived together there, but later I do not know what happened, the mother even put the son in the pot to cook, which is really sad to say.

So much time has passed that the truth cannot be ascertained, but since the death of the mother and son, various stories have been told that they were seen there, living in the house as usual, and that cries could be heard from inside the house on cloudy and rainy days.

Because of this, the house has been empty for decades, no one has dared to take it, there are no residents nearby, everyone has moved away, so the place has become more and more scary.

Just a few years ago, a developer had bid for the vacant lot to build a mall.

Although heard about the legend of 46, but the boss did not take it to heart, think this is nonsense, in the present society, how can there be such a ridiculous thing.

Dissuaded by the listeners, the boss insisted on completely renovating the place.

With their own carefully selected demolition team, a mighty group of people set out.

Many residents have heard of this matter, holding a curious state of mind all came, here ready to explore, to see what will happen in the end, we are naturally very excited.

The demolition crew had just knocked out a window when the accident happened.

I do not know why, the excavator worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and all kinds of vehicles, suddenly all the machinery all failed.

Just started to encounter such a thing, everyone immediately in an uproar, who dare not start again, but the boss has invested so much money, how can it stop immediately shouted, who if continue to work will give three times the wage, under the inducement of money, there are many bold people ready to act again.

But before they could do it again, perhaps by coincidence, the sky suddenly changed and there was thunder and lightning!

A thunderbolt of lightning came down and hit the digger just in time.

Everyone thought of the terrible legend, and thought that the mother and son must have had a secret spirit to tell them not to do anything, and that the lightning had been a warning to them.

Unconvinced bosses, though, did not dare to go ahead with the industrial action.

But he stood in front of the house and scolded him, thinking that the mother and son were so rude that they had stalled his project.

Many onlookers are also trying to persuade the boss to stop his abuse, which may cause anger. After all, as the saying goes, kids are tough.

However, the boss felt sorry for his boss and refused to give up. He cursed him for a long time before he stopped talking.

A lot of people knew something was going to happen, but no one thought it would happen so soon.

That night, the unsuspecting boss paid the price of his life because of his mouth.

Some people have seen his face, the legend is very terrible.

Because he died of his tongue pulled out of his mouth alive!