Love and hate

In iron suddenly extinguished the flame, let Wang Heping suddenly be frightened.

So he's giving up the fight.

If so, things are really bad!

'What's the matter, uncle?

When you're in the dark, you're scared.

This is especially true of King and Peace, especially with the deadly things ahead.

The female ghost sends out sneer: "THE child CAN be taught, SINCE YOU express admit defeat, kneel kowtow to admit fault, I will let you one horse."

Do not know when, she appeared in the hands of a incense fan.

He's fanning himself, and he's very graceful.

Really like a lady in a big house.

But between the eyebrows, but flow out a pair of ruthless!


Yu Iron walked forward a few steps, the cane in his hand, gently swing.

Shaking a few times, as if there was a change.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a long sword!!

Wang Heping didn't even notice when it was successful.

Long SWORD IN HAND, YU TIE NOW seems very confident, walking forward with considerable stability, it seems that they have let each other in mind.

Do you want to go hand-to-hand with someone who knows his magic isn't working? It's even more dangerous!

Wang Heping heart pinch a sweat, but also dare not to make a sound, afraid to let in iron distraction.

The infant spirit laughed and then rushed forward with its own skull-like face.

Spinning through the air like a bullet to the heart of iron.

But when he was about to get close to him, Yu Tie suddenly drank and raised the sword in his hand to cut down instantly.

It is a pity that the infant spirit had predicted his action and instantly changed direction in the air.

He dodged his attack, but Yu's attack was far from over.

He had already predicted the reaction of the other, and was not afraid to change direction.

Wrist hard jump fitness, direct sweep over!

The autumn wind swept the fallen leaves directly cut the head of the heroic spirit, but also thought that the absolute will not cause harm to each other.

But who ever thought this sword after the spirit was actually cut into two sections, is fanning the ghost suddenly stunned.

Did not think of their own actually was killed in iron sword.

Too soon, the lighting flint has been between the timely reversal.

It's hard to believe, but so is what lies ahead.

The female ghost immediately Leng in situ, unbelievably looking at iron.

It was impossible to imagine that the sword in the man's hand was so sharp that it could not have been predicted.

"How dare you kill my child, I want you to pay for it!!"

The angry ghost, this time personally hand out the hands of this fan is turned into a sword.

Originally THIS IS HER WEAPON, SEE THEM two PEOPLE AS ALL corners OF THE RIVER ace, here decisive battle!!

Wang Heping's eyes widened. I don't know how it got this far.

My heart was filled with shock, seeing the two of them at each other's throats, weapons banging in their hands.

As if to show their strongest strength, it is unbelievable that people can become such a look!

In terms of the sword, or in the iron to be more dominant, rotate and move between has found the weakness of the other side attack.

The unspoken moment sweeps away.

The ghost had no time to dodge, the face was swept by the sword of iron.

There was no blood on her face, but the white bones underneath were exposed.

While the ghost did not know, in iron is a few steps forward, the sword to her.

Then several swords appeared on all sides of the ghost. What kind of arrangement was this?

Then the sword danced in front of the ghost like a razor, cutting off all her clothes, including meat, to the ground.

She showed her true face.

And his real body is also a skeleton, not at all human seeing his movement and expression.

Let a person can guess, at this time the female ghost this angry mood.

But Wang Heping now knows that it is not time to be really happy.

Because Yu Iron's face did not show any happiness.

He knew they were difficult to deal with, and now he had only a slight advantage.

The real battle had not yet begun.

"How dare you, you bastard!

Look at yourself and all of it has gone away.

The anger of the female ghost is naturally needless to say, anxious to come forward to kill him directly.

But I know I don't have the skill now.

"For you, I have given you a chance, but you do not know to cherish, then do not blame me to strike, will destroy you, all this is your crime deserved, say you also want to pay for your own behavior!"

In iron words righteously, do not give each other any refutation opportunity.

His attitude, including his tough talk, has made the other side now physically shaky.

The ghost seemed to understand that what Yu Iron said was the truth.

However, she could not accept the situation and stood up quickly.

"This great man, please leave me alone!"

A turn of events, originally thought that the ghost and in the iron war of life and death.

Did not think of even direct kneeling on the ground, although it is a skeleton, but also can see her body constantly trembling.

As if he regretted what he had done.

Repeatedly kneeling on the ground to apologize, and then slowly told his own life.

"My surname is Zhang, a local lady, and I was forced to marry a rich man here. The son of the family thought that after our marriage, he was violent and continued to inflict the most serious injuries on me. I couldn't stand this situation, so I fought back."

"He wrote me a divorce on the grounds of my bad character, left a child and then disappeared directly."

"In this way, I spent four years with my child, waiting for his return."

"Over time, I also didn't see his shadow, let me very depressed, then I will for love to hate of my bone and my flesh off the hand, I knew I had some abnormal state will make such a decision, my heart is also very angry now, never think of oneself for revenge should make such strange things, I know I was wrong."

"Originally after death I was to be reincarnated, but should admit the hatred, so I have been staying here waiting for my man to come back, but unexpectedly so many things happened."

Wang Heping listened to the story of the ghost, the heart is also in sigh, the original world is so unfair.

It seems that hate can indeed evolve into more hate.

It made him feel a little sad, and he shook his head.

Also feel the ghost's life is very poor.

If there is a chance to help him, it is the best situation.

Then he slowly walked towards Yu Tie.

"Uncle, since he is so poor, you see if you can send him to the hell is enough, do not destroy it."

When Wang Heping was about to approach, the ghost suddenly raised her head and held out her hand.

Greased lightning rushed to Wang Heping, ready to kill him.

This trick is quite secret, but he has continued to have such power.

Wang Heping can not imagine that he will have such a practice.

Including Yu Tie, but when the ghost's hand is about to touch Wang Heping's body, something unexpected happens.

Yu Tie immediately turned the sword and nailed him to the ground ruthlessly from top to bottom!

"Hum! It is true that death does not know repentance."

Another three inches of the ghost's hand has been inserted into Wang Heping's heart.

Wang Heping stood there quietly, completely forgetting to speak.

Can only stare at the front of the appearance, at a loss.

Who thought of a flash of lightning, almost let him die on the spot.

The female ghost's mouth is sent out completely can't accept the roar, feel very sorry.

His plan will soon be successful, but did not think of the iron is very clever, early predicted that she will do such a thing.

Without giving her a chance, the ghost was held in place in an instant.


With a jerk of Yu's wrist, the sword showed a real glow.

Then the fire along the sword body directly into the ghost's body.

Starting from the inside of her, the ghost let out a cry of grief.

As if nothing could stop it.

See her appearance, let Wang Heping can't help but also froze.

Did not think of the ability of iron, actually so high strong.

Gradually burning, the ghost has no voice soon turned into ashes.

With a gust of night wind blowing, completely disappeared in the world.

You know, he brought this on himself.

If he hadn't been greedy to deal with Wang Heping, he might have left her alive.

But very regretful, all this is his own doing and people worry about.

After a long time, Wang Heping just slowly slow over, remember that he almost died here.

His face showed a frightened look, and he sat down on the floor at once, no matter how much dust there was on the floor.

Gasping for breath, Yu iron also knew that he had just escaped death and then received his power.

The sword in his hand became a staff again and came to his side.

Squatting in front of him, gently patted his shoulder, smiled: "The performance is quite good, relatively brave, but just this kind of situation later to remember, do not believe any nonsense, if anyone wants to believe in the ghost, it is simply their own death, no one can do."


Wang Heping immediately nodded, thinking that nonsense, this word is absolutely appropriate.

People have long used a term to describe a person's nonsense.

It seems that all the words they say about any ghost should not be taken to heart, which will definitely cause harm to themselves.

Yu Tie said to Wang Heping with satisfaction, "Well, you have passed the test. We have destroyed the two ghosts here. From now on, there should be no trouble."

Wang Heping looked around and found nothing special ready to leave with Wang Heping.

However, Wang Heping's body seems to have become stiff because he has not recovered.

After a rest, they went downstairs and out of the cottage.

Wang Heping suddenly asked: "If you just said a lot of nonsense, do you think the story the ghost just told is true?"

Unexpectedly Yu Tie said: "Of course it is true, but he just uses himself to tell stories, hoping to make our consciousness appear relaxed, ready to use this method to attack us."

So, also let Wang Heping's heart produced a trace of comfort.

Even if it is a ghost, maybe there is good in it.