A journey

Solved this matter smoothly, let Wang Heping in the mind also feel state myriad, did not think of the world actually has such a magical thing.

On the way back he and in the iron two people relatively have no words, Wang Heping has a lot of questions in his mind to ask him.

But I don't know where to start.

He felt as if there was a huge stone in his heart, and he could not breathe.

The feeling of suffocation made him feel very bad, because he had never encountered today's event.

In other words, he seemed to have never felt so depressed.

In iron seems to see through his ideas, know why Wang Heping will have such a mood, but there is no much to explain to him.

When he came home to see Zhang Hua, Wang Heping naturally had a thousand words to say.

He wanted him to know what had happened tonight, and he wanted his mother to be proud of him.

But he did not say more when the words came to his lips.

"Boy, I knew you'd make it."

Zhang Hua naturally understood his idea and encouraged him first.

Wang Heping could not help but SOB. He felt that he could come back tonight, which was beyond his expectation.

Thinking of the troubles I had just encountered, and almost losing my life, I felt particularly aggrieved.

Wang Heping is still a teenager, can have such a mood is not beyond our expectations.

"Ha ha, all has come back safely, also cry what ah, such a big boy also shed tears, it is really a shame that you can not, so after the nature to be strong some, later encounter things will be very difficult, even a threat to your life, you must become like men to fight, well know that after you learn more things!"

Yu Iron beside Wang Heping also carried on the encouragement.

Knowing that anyone encountered such a thing, in retrospect will feel quite afraid.

Because fear is common to all human beings. It's part of human nature.

As wizards, the first thing they must do is to change their minds.

Let yourself overcome this feeling of fear so that you can be completely fearless in the face of danger.

Wang Heping nodded, his face not showing any happiness.

Because he knew that now that he had passed the test, it was time to say goodbye to his mother.

Two people have been dependent on each other for so many years, suddenly leave the mother's side, let and Wang Heping heart also produced.

But Zhang Hua for this matter to see very thorough, he had already thought of his son will come back safely.

And at that point they may be separated, after all, this is the son's life.

Be sure to support Wang Heping in his career.

Silently took the king and peace by his side.

Zhang Hua wiped away the tears for Wang Heping and looked at him sadly and said: "From today you are a real man, and the teacher must have to learn it well, after the ability don't capricious, don't be in school that unruliness, you must bear in mind that if why you do these things, you also should firmly in mind, when my father's things in mind, we must find out the real cause of his."

With his mother's eager expectations, and these words, Wang Heping naturally dare not forget.

He nodded solemnly, knowing that he was the only one his mother could rely on.

And now that his father was gone, he was the only man in the family and the breadwinner, and he had to take this responsibility.

"Mom, you can rest assured that I promise you that I can learn to return, and I must make you proud, father's things I will firmly keep in mind, as long as I can find the problem, I'll be justice for him, I will never let him go to dead, and will let the bad man be punished, I don't think it was as simple as we thought. Maybe there was something to it."

Without this evening, perhaps Wang Heping would not have had such a thought.

It was he who had seen so many strange things that he suddenly felt that his father must have been killed by evil men.

Especially these evil spirits, their words must not be believed, perhaps father and myself, is particularly simple and kind.

So he believed that their lies were in danger, that his death was somehow connected with these demons.

In iron looked at their mother and son two people, also do not know what to say better, then just sat on the sofa silently began to drink tea.

He knew that parting would be very painful.

And go specially also do not know when Wang Heping can come back again.

After all, the process of learning spells will be particularly difficult, and will encounter more unexpected dangers and dangerous situations.

Wang Heping can have the strength to come back is also unknown, especially when he meets danger again, can not be completely solved, also do not know.

Everything is naturally the same fate, happy Wang Heping and Yu Tie tomorrow will be far away in the South ocean.

This evening he and his mother had nothing to say to each other, but sat silently on the sofa and looked at each other.

No one would bear the pain of such a separation.

Wang Heping seemed to know that he might not be able to return to his hometown for many years.

Since he wanted to imprint his mother's image on his mind, he had expected her to go with him.

But Yu refused, because the place would not accept his mother.

At that time will give Wang Heping's heart more doubts,.

So I hope he can bear the pain of loneliness.

"This year I met your father, it is strange that the two of us may be the god of fate, I met with some strange things in the home, fortunately, your father, so will head off, and it is the time I took a fancy to your father is at a glance, think he industrious, I with he together."

"The second year after our marriage, God sent you to both of us, which became the most important violation between our marriage. I never thought you would be so lovely. No matter what you do, I will always be proud of you, because you are the most important person in my heart, I hope you can understand."

Zhang Hua quietly talked about the past, as if these things happened yesterday, but Wang Heping heard the heart also feel very sad.

You have not brought your mother any pride and glory in your studies.

Not only that, but also let the mother has been worried, and even often was found parents.

Also let Wang Heping feel very blame oneself at the outset did not work hard, and even feel that they should not do so completely.

Given the chance again, he naturally wished to do his mother more proud by all means.

Maybe this is his only chance. He's already thought about his fate.

If he can't succeed in his studies, he can only choose to work in the society. At that time, he will not have any education background and may be the lowest person.

And the fate of the turnaround is at this moment, can grasp it depends on his ability.

Wang Heping Nature Bureau this point is very clear, he knows that his mother's ardent expectations for him have been fully revealed.

At any rate he would seize the last chance to change his fate.

Especially tonight Zhang Hua said these words, he firmly in mind.

And he knew what his mother meant, because he knew very well that there would be more glory and money if he succeeded.

Don't forget who you are and let him know what it is to be a good person.

Zhang Hua didn't have much skill, nor much education.

But he is very clear that his son must become a kind person.

Especially, be a grateful person.

As time passed, it was already bright.

And mother and son two people as if who are not aware of, still talking about the past.

And all sorts of things from his childhood emerge in Zhang Hua's mind.

It was like it was yesterday and it made him feel even more uncomfortable.

With the iron in the bedroom to get up, see the two of them are still there to talk, let him continue to disturb.

But there's no way to know there's still a long way to go.

He went to them and whispered, "Peace, we are ready to go."

Finally, when it was time to part, Zhang stood up slowly, put on his son's coat and patted him on the shoulder.

Looking at the man you love the most, burying your head in his chest.

Then she felt that her son had become a strong young man.

No longer as weak as a child, at this time he can also understand the mood of Wang Heping now.

And to know that he has a firm commitment to his family.

"Well, I won't say so much, as if I were to put some pressure on you, son. Just remember never to do anything wrong, and that's all I want for you."

Dare not look at Wang Heping's eyes again, Zhang Hua left Wang Heping back.

Then Yu Tie took her wrist and ran away, Wang Heping reluctantly looked at his mother's back.

He knew he could not say something now, which would provoke Zhang Hua even more.

Step three back out of the door, and when the door really closed that moment, Wang Heping could not bear the heart.

Tears have already burst the dike, there is no way to control the thoughts in my heart.

For his fate and for his mother, he had no choice!

In iron understand the young mind, but he now naturally not to say anything more.

Soon the two men were on the road and driving to the dock.

There will be a steamer leaving for the South Ocean at noon today.

Looking at Wang Heping's depressed expression on the bus, Yu smiled at him and said, "You look like a child in this dress. Let me take you shopping and dress yourself up."

Even if it is to buy clothes, Wang Heping does not have too many ideas, but silently nodded.

There was no more smile on his face. He was a teenager who did not like to dress himself very much.

Yu Tie really loved Wang Heping and took him to one of the best shops in the city, which was very famous.

All the big money and celebrities choose to shop here.

Wang Heping did not expect that Yu Tie would take him to such a high-end shop naturally stare.

Some can not believe it, can not see his humble clothes, should be so powerful.

"Uncle, isn't that the only dress? You don't have to pay so much."

Yu Tie smiled and did not say anything, pulled his wrist, then walked into the store.

This is the first time Wang Heping has been to such a luxurious shopping store.

See inside the exquisite variety of goods, as well as a lip-smacking price, let his heart shocked.

Is this a rich man's world?

He had passed the shop but never entered it.

Because I feel that I can not afford to consume, and the clothes on the body slightly shabby, will let him have a feeling of self-confidence.

Today walking in the side of Yu Tie, he has not had any change.

I even feel like I don't fit in here.