UFO in the sky everybody!

I awoke when a blinding light fell upon me.  It was too bright to not to pay attention. It was not coming from the moon. I knew it even with closed eyes. I was amazed when I saw what was flying above me. If someone from present hear me, they would think I was mentally ill but you have to believe me. Above me was a FLYING FUCKING UFO! I'm being serious! I swear upon my grave, I am not lying. The UFO was magnificent. I resisted the urge to crawl out from the cover of the tree to go out to see the full picture of the UFO.

Let me remind you. Real UFOs don't look like the way we get to see in cartoons. True there are lights blinking from everywhere but the shape of it was not like a saucer. The one flying above me took a shape of a pyramid. The exterior surface had a dark blue colour with small lights blinking. It's exterior design of the walls must have made it easier to hide from public eye. It's mouth which was on the bottom of the pyramid shaped ship opened in a swift motion and beings about the same size as humans jumped on to the ground with the use of some rope like things. Those kind of things can be seen in ninja and military based movies. You might want to argue with me but you can't prove me wrong without solid proof.

The dark skin colour of the aliens matched well with their colours of their uniforms which were dark purple and grayish black. Most parts of the uniform was in dark purple. Only the designs were in grayish dark. Their spandex clothing fit to their body and those designs carved in them glistened under the light like Luminous things that charges from sunlight. Boots on their feet too seemed like to have the same design as their uniforms. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't see them in details because of the long distance between us.

Normally in cartoons and movies we see anything that is under the mouth of the ship, they would get sucked into it with a bright light. So parents, hear me out. Stop making innocent children watch meaningless cartoons. Let them see more realistic things. 

I wanted to get into that ship though my heart told me countless times that might be dangerous but I didn't want to listen to it since both my heart and mind knew that ship might also be my way of escape. I stayed hidden under the tree watching the actions of the aliens carefully before I start my reckless act.

From what I observed, they didn't look like they were going to invade earth. They seemed to be very familiar with earth. But damn, who would've thought I needed to stay in same position without moving a muscle? Neither one among them muttered a word or sound. They moved around without making any unnecessary sounds.  Soon around me, there were tents and what not. It was really a surprise to me seeing aliens camping. Some were sun bathing which made me almost get caught from laughing. Aliens sunbathing? How hilarious is that. Those weird aliens enjoyed their time singing dancing etc but when the sun was setting, all the tents were removed. One person who appears to be the leader among them came to the front. He was taller than the others which was one of the reasons he got the spotlight on him most of the time. I guessed he may have a different and a higher rank than the others because of the  silver coloured belt he had around his waist. He held his head high. He didn't even bend his neck when talking. That showed how pride full he was. Whatever identity he had a whistle was all it needed to get everyone in control and stand in lines in front of him. That's when I first heard their language.

Their language is a little bit like ours. From what I heard, I caught a few English like words from his speech. He didn't say much. Just a few words. Soon everyone was armed with some kind  of guns. Then one of them did something I never thought one might do. He blew a horn with a high pitch sound which even made my ears go deaf for a while. The result of it shocked me. First the vibration of the ground was normal and then the impulses were more than enough for me to jump on my feet without putting an effort. When feeling the impulses on the ground, I noticed the direction they were coming from. So I kept my eyes to that direction hoping not to see what I was thinking. I didn't trust my mind even the slightest because every time I think about a bad thing then no need to think twice or see the future, that would happen no matter what. That was one of the reasons kids at my school once called me the black cat. Me being stupid once, believed it was a great title and even boasted about it. It was fucking embarrassing when my teacher told me the meaning of it right in front of my freaking classmates. 

While I was distracted by the memories, I didn't realise that the pulses on the ground were a lot closer to me then. I got shaken up from the memory lane by a loud roar. I almost lost my shit seeing the animal I never wanted to see in my life again. It was Dino Dude everyone. Just me luck.

It was looking straight at those black skinned aliens with its glistening eyes. A stupid person who don't understand dinosaurs will probably go take selfies and hug it to death when they see those small eyes. Dino slowly took one step at a time getting more and more closer. I held my breath in once it was directly infront of me.

And JESUS! It's mouth smelled!