Detective Lucas

Yesterday morning it scared the shit out of me seeing my annoying brother, Lucas cooking in the kitchen. It wasn't surprising that he was cooking but it was his arrival that surprised me. Then again I remembered what little guy told me and what happened last night. I locked my bedroom door where little guy was sleeping at the moment so that he wouldn't come out while Lucas is here. Lucas didn't look at me when I approached him.

" Good morning asshole."

"Not that much of a good morning after seeing you shit face. "

" It's not like yours is any better." Both of us wanted to laugh but none of us did.

" What are you making? "

" Pan-damn-cakes. want to try? I found a new fucked up recipe last week when I got my ass in Paris. You know my daughter,  that little devil. That twit always annoys me asking me to make pancakes for all the fucking three meals. Even Rita agrees with that little twit so she could be free from this shit called cooking."

" Good for you motherfucker. But what the fuck are you doing here? Aren't your ass supposed to be in Beijing?"

" Yeah. I'll be leaving in the evening. Don't get your hopes up asshole. I might have a second thought."

" You better leave or I'll make you leave jackass ."

" You are hiding something from me aren't you Focus?"

" What do you mean?"

" The guest room, I saw the difference and everything in the apartment has changed. It's like someone lives with you now."

" And that makes you think I'm hiding something or rather someone? You are nuts man. you truly are."

" Fine. But don't regret later for hiding it from me."

" Just fuck off man. It's nothing you should worry about."

" Fine fine. Atleast go check whether he is up."

" Why do you think it's a he?"

" I'm a married man. I know about love life. So whoever you are hiding isn't isn't a female"

" Whatever." Feeling a little bit guilty for having to hide little guy from my annoying brother, I left to see whether Junior has woke up.

I couldn't guess how Lucas found out about someone living with me and that person being a male person. It's not like a lot of things in the apartment has changed like he said. Only a few things like keeping two tooth brushes in the bathroom, changes in the guest room etc. But neither of those changes could tell if someone else is living with me.

Just as I opened the door it hit something hard and I knew that it was rather someone who got hit by the door when he made the sound ouch with a groan.

"Shit! I'M SORRY!" I apologised without even thinking. I know little guy thinks that I'm an asshole but only I know how tender my heart is. That's why this beautiful boy avoids from falling in love. No magic can fix it when it's broken. But what can I say, no one can hide their hearts once they get the first feeling of love.

Okay. Back to the story. I quickly shut the door behind me and checked his nose with the light of a torch. His nose was red and swollen but I couldn't believe my eyes. His nose was healing itself.

" Dude, your nose is healing automatically." He checked his nose by himself not believing my words which is acceptable.

" The tip of your nose was swollen before before but now, it's all gone like your nose never got injured." He rolled his eyes.

" Don't be stupid pig head. I don't have a super power." I didn't say regarding that reply because I didn't know what to say next since its visible how much he didn't believe my words. " So why did you wake me up so early?"

"You can't come out today no matter what." I was glad he brought up the main topic before I could have more suspense regarding little guys automatically healed nose.

" And the reason is?"

" Lucas is here."

" What is he doing here?"

" How am I supposed to know? He said he's just here to visit me." Our talk continued in whispers and mumbles. Little Focus paced back and forth thinking about what to do next. It was one of my habits. Pacing around when having some thoughts on the current situation.

" Doesn't he have a wife and a baby to take care of? What the hell is he doing here? Is he jobless?" One might think little Focus could read minds because he read my mind.

" What matters right now is how you should stay out of his sight. We don't want another one to get tangled in this mess. Especially Lucas. He already has too much on his plate. I don't want to bother him with these kinds of things." Eventhough Lucas has already guessed about little guy, I didn't want to show him and make a bond between them because I found out that bond is one of the reasons little guy and I time travelled. I was relieved when little guy agreed to hide from Lucas.

" Fine. I'll be here without been seen. Just bring me something to eat. I'm hungry."

" Okay then. I'll bring you something to eat but only snacks can be brought here if we don't want room get hurt." Lying to a close friend or relative is harder than I thought. I wanted to avoid them meeting because I didn't like the thought of letting them get hurt.

 I made my way back to the kitchen where Lucas was waiting for me with a stack of pancakes on a plate in front of him.

" Let me get him a plate as well."

" Dude, what the hell happened to your language? You talk more politely now."

" Sometimes Focus, one needs to know what seriousness means." That wasn't anything I expected Lucas to say.

" No need. I can't let him know you found out Or else you might end up in trouble like me. I'll get some snacks for him."

" Are you sure? Because he'll be hungry."

" Don't worry. He'll be fine."

" If you say so." With the snacks stacked up on my arms, I went to give them to little guy who might be very hungry.