Crying in the rain

We, me and Lucas went to where dad's old laboratory used to be. Now there stood no building,  only some ruins. The government didn't let anyone buy that land. The government told us that they were guarding the place so that the evidence won't get erased. Even if it's been thirteen years this mystery case is still open since no one can let go of this tragedy. Lucas asked me countless times why I was still searching for clues when the detectives have already searched the area more than million times and I answered him with only a hmm.

Thought I too have been searching for evidence since that day, and have failed to find a single clue, this time I didn't go there to find physical evidence or anything. Since the day little guy told me about what might have really happened to dad, I've thought about all the possibilities. So many doubts crossed my mind and those doubts were one of the reasons I went back to visit that abundant land.

Dad's lab was the best lab in the country those days. All the most important and confidential experiments and inventions were done there before the public gets to see them. The real owner of the laboratory wasn't dad. In fact it was his teacher who was the head of the lab. Dad's teacher was on cloud nine when dad joined his laboratory to help him with the inventions. They did so many important inventions and experiments. One of the well known experiments was Project Siesta.

The main purpose of Project Siesta was finding the reasons and uses of dreams of children and adults. Numerous people from all over the world volunteered to help with the project but since it has to be confidential, dad and his teacher had no choice but to refuse their help. Even I was taken as a test subject.At that time I didn't understand what this project Siesta is. I was only told to sleep and wake up when the alarm bell rings. I did as I was told. Later I found out that they didn't inject me or anything. Just a helmet on ghe head. Thanks to my sleep, the experiment of children's dream was a success. They scientists even praised me saying my thoughts and dreams were very poor. Thank god they don't need to do an experiment now with my mind because it holds no pure thoughts like how it used to a few years back.

Anyways that was the project dad's laboratory got famous but unfortunately that helmet which sends the signals to the computer malfunctioned damaging the brain of dad's teacher as a result. In the end dad became the owner of the laboratory and made it a semi government institute. So most of my time, I would stay in the lab which made me who I am right now.

To tell you the truth, one time I was abducted by a group of English men to get those confidential secrets out of me. I was only eight then. But they couldn't even get a single word out of me because you know those scientific words. You need to be a genius to remember those words. The kidnappers didn't have a use of me, so they sent me back home by themselves. How weird is that?

" Focus, what are you searching?" Lucas asked finally since I was just walking around without looking for anything in peculiar.

" Can you point me where the main lab used to be?" was my reply.

" Over there." The place he pointed was only a few feet away. No special thing was there either, only a mountain of rocks and some metal parts.

" Focus, what are you searching?" That question again. Sighing I looked over at him.

" I think the time machine was related to dad's disappearance."

" He's dead Focus. There's no point of searching. Just get over it." He turned away facing the opposite side.

" No I can't accept it. How can I? There's still hope Lucas!" Lucas snapped his head towards me.

" Stop being foolish little brother! This is life! This is reality! No one can stop anyone from dieing!It's the nature of life! I thought touch have got over it! Gods!" He threw his hands towards the sky throwing his frustration at the sky.

" I am not being foolish Lucas. Think about it! They didn't find his body! Nor did they find any clue to prove that he was dead! We can't just let go of it when we clearly know there's something wrong." The way he chuckled while looking at the ground showed his disappointment.

" For all these years, you've been thinking about it hm? No wonder you were so closed off. I can't believe how this much stupid person got into a university? Are you too intelligent to see the truth right in front of your eyes? Let me guess, you've been thinking about this since the day tour understood what time machines are right? Can you stop dreaming for a break second? Why can't you open your eyes and see what's really happening around you!?" That brought me anger as well.

" My problem is not the problem here brother. It's you who's making a big deal out of it. The problem is that you know what I'm saying can be somewhat true but you don't want to listen to my opinion. You don't want to believe in me." We were standing s close now. Only a one step away.

" You think I don't believe you? Trust you? If so, why would I need to work so hard to find money? Then why would I check in your studies whenever I'm free and help you if needed? You really are ungrateful Focus. I'm truly disappointed. I deeply am." I watched hopelessly at Lucas's back as he took step by step away from me. Drop by drop crystal like water droplets fell from sky just like the tears that flowed out of my eyes. A man shouldn't cry but everyone is human and rain is the best weather to let out some steam.