The Movie Night

Cool air was enough for me to calmed down completely. By the time I returned back I didn't expect Lucas to be there but I kind of felt sad when he wasn't there. There was only a note on the table top saying he's leaving for Beijing. Throwing the note to the trash can, I walked over to my bedroom to let junior come out. I mentally cursed myself for forgetting to leave some food for little guy to eat for lunch. Since he skipped it because of me, I gathered up some food as quickly as I could and opened the door of my bedroom to go in.

He was lying down on my bed scrolling through his phone like a spoiled kid. I wanted to ask him whether he did his homework but then again I kept my mouth shut thinking it might have been a lot boring to stay inside my room with just using his phone and laptop.

He looked over at me as soon as I stepped in. In a lightning speed he was in front of me taking the tray of food from me throwing complaints about my delay.

"Did you forget me asshole? I was starving here thanks to you."

"Sorry man. You can come out now. He went home. Actually I threw him out of the house.  He told me the reason for his quick visit was because he got into a  fight with Rita." I didn't want to tell him about the fight between me and Lucas. I didn't want to tell him I was the reason Lucas left without a proper goodbye.

" probably his curses. He must've cursed in front of his daughter...what was her name? Diana right?" I gave a nod agreeing with him. When I asked him what he did while staying inside the room all day, his reply was ,' Read some interesting articles' which was really suspicious but I let go of the doubts as he began talking about body parts. It was completely disgusting how he explained everything in details.

To avoid hearing more about those disgusting things, I distracted myself with finding a nice pair of cloths to go out.

"What are you searching?" Asked he.

" Cloths. I'm treating you to dinner. You still haven't tried this year speciality." His face light up with a grin. I really wanted to pinch his chubby cheeks. He was so cute. My heart almost leaped out from my chest seeing how happy he was.

"Let's go then. I also crave for steak right now." As a respond I satisfied him with saying I'll let him eat anything he wants.

I took him to the most famous five star restaurant in the city. I could see his eyes going wide with just looking at the menu.

"Holly cow man! Everything thing here is fucking expensive!"

" No need to think. I ordered what to eat." He said pulling away the menu from me. He was shocked when I handed my debit card to the waitress and I expected him to ask me the question I was expecting he would ask which he asked silently because of his speechless state.

" I did some work while learning." I left some suspense to confuse him further. But he didn't push me to say more. While the dinner went on, he was so deep in his chain of thoughts to hear me. Unlike other days I was the only one talking. Finally I too shut up to not disturb him with whatever he was thinking of and to think what to do next before going home.

" Yo! Watch were you're going." Saving little guy from crashing on to a tree I said which earned an embarrassed grin. " want to go to the art gallery before going home?"

" Hell yeah!" He jumped on his feet in happiness. I was happy that I was able to make him forget all his worries even for a moment. We discussed a lot about arts in the gallery since it was something both of us enjoyed and good at. Even after visiting the gallery he kept talking my ear off until we arrived at the door of the apartment. Little guy went straight to the guest room hugging the night snacks I bought for him in his arms. A good night greeting was thrown over the shoulder by him before the door was locked behind him.

Right after he left to bed, I cleaned the house fast. I ruled out the thought of knocking on the guest room door and telling what happened between me and Lucas. I was afraid I might tell him something I shouldn't have said.

Something told me that a big situation was just on the way. Those bothered so much making me sleepless all night. So in the end I settled with watching some movies.

Think about it, watching random movies in total darkness. I couldn't even see my own fingers. I switched on the TV and lowered the volume so junior won't wake up. First random movies to watch was Annabelle part one. Although I've watched it more than 3 times, it still creeped me out when that happens. To prove myself that Annabelle is only inside the TV,  I looked around me a couple of times with the help of my phone's torch. I was glad that the TV played jumanji: welcome to the jungle. I tried my best to hold in my laughter but nature needs to have its freedom right? I laughed my ass off until the very end of the movie. Looking at the time, it was still around 1.30 in the morning. Since there was still more time, I let the next movie play.

Next was a movie I've never watched. The name was 'Scars'. It was a story of a young girl who was abused by her family. The girl, Amy was raped by her own brother and she gets pregnant with his child. But the brother nor anyone in the family wanted to have the baby but somehow she let the baby born finally making her family agree with keeping the child. But right after the birth, again she was pregnant but no one knew who the father was other than Amy herself. She keeps her mouth shut not telling anyone who the father was. So as a result the family abused her more. Hitting, slapping, raping, cutting, everything to make her life miserable. Her family which was a family of three children, mother, father, uncle and aunt. Because of her pregnancy, she was pulled out of the school making her a slave to a filthy merchant. Somehow she dies one day from falling down from the stairs. After her death, a boy a few years older than her comes searching for her. He becomes suspicious when her family talked too sweetly about Amy. So the story went on with the boy who we get to know in the end as the father of the second child discovering all the secrets of Amy's family. The movie ended with the boy, Nathan reading a letter he found in Amy's room which was the basement.

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing out. It was too sad to keep the tear in. Wiping off the tears and switching off the TV,  I went to bed thinking how cruel the world is though it seemed so beautiful and innocent to our eyes.