professor Focus Redman

We went straight to my apartment after our agreement of sneaking into the research lab at night to take a look at dad's real document.

"Here's the plan," I began once both of us were sitting at the dinner table facing each other.

"You have a plan already? Damn, you have my respect."

"Thnak you. Now listen. Here's what we are going to do." Laying a sheet of paper on the table, I took a pen to draw the master plan, which included my not so excellent drawing of random quadrilaterals to denote buildings. "Getting inside the university is easy. The only problem is the research laboratory." Liam nodded in agreement. " From what I observed-" I got cut off by a call. By the ringing tone I knew the call was for me. It was an unknown number but with two digits. It's impossible. I've never heard anyone having two digits as a phone number. And it was more confusing when one digit is not a number but a letter. An English letter. With suspicions in mind, I answered it. "Hello? Focus Redman calling."

First there was not a single sound from the other side. I was about to cut the call when some weird sounds came the speakers.

"Hello?" I repeated but didn't get a reply, once again. Then all of the sudden someone with a familiar voice said,

" Foc-I- Aliens-got-kid-" And that was all. The called ended. Without wasting time I went to my call history but the call is just answered was not in the list. so it means...

"What's wrong? You look pale." I glanced at Liam with wide eyes.

"Little guy just called me."

"Holly cow! That's great! What did he say?"

" It wasn't clear. He said Foc probably my name, then I- aliens- got- kid. That's all."

" What the fuck? That's all? Did he get travelled to another planet?" I shrugged. I was confused as well.

" What did he say again?"

"Foc- I- aliens- got- kid-" I wrote it down on the paper in front of me.

"Maybe he's reporting how he witnessed a gory ritual of an alien going through labour and now he's depressed by the sight and wants you to join the pain so he can feel more at ease?" Liam suggested casually, much to my shock. He raised his hands in defeat. "Sorry. I was trying to lift your spirit."

"Not helping at all."

"Fine. We might be able to understand him if we could solve what he said. Let me see..." Liam fell into a deep chain of thoughts regarding little guy's mysterious call.

"This says that he got kidnapped by aliens. It's like this, ' Focus, I'm fine. Aliens got me kidnapped.' The question is where is he now?"

"He probably went to future. Think about it, the possibility of having aliens living on earth is less in the past but in the future, it is possible since we are already communicating with them."

"But-" Again I got cut off when the lights went out leaving us in darkness even if it was just pass six o'clock.

"Come on! Now of all times? Are you fucking kidding me?" I was dumbfounded found because from what I remembered we didn't get a message about a power cut. The electricity board would always in from the residences if there's going to be any power outage.

It didn't take too long to get back the electricity but both Liam and I didn't expect to have guests that day.

One of them was tall but taller than me. He was in a black tux and a pair of shiny black shoes. A pair of glasses sat on his nose. He seemed like me. But older. And extremely reserved.

The other one was cowered in redish brown  soil close to the point of it being hard to figure out who he actually is. But the way he ran towards me, I knew I found the missing person.

"Focus! I thought I might never get to see you." I didn't waste time to wrap my arms around him either.

" You are alright now little guy. Everything is fine. I'm here now." I patted his back. Liam and the other guy stayed silent without making a single sound. Once little guy was done hugging me to death, he stepped back cleaning his face. "Who is he?" I asked pointing the other guy.

"This is professor Focus Redman." It wasn't surprising at all since I've seen much more surprising things.

"Holy! Are you the future Focus?"

"Yes. Hello student Focus Redman. I'm your future you professor Focus Redman." He held his hand forward which I gladly accepted.

"Hello. How did you find junior?" Liam took Focus Junior to have a bath. I mentally thanked him because I kind of didn't want Liam to know a lot of things about time travel for now.

"May I take a seat?" He was shockingly polite. So unlike me.

"Of course. Do you want something to eat or drink?" He thought for a while before replying.

"Do you have Skittles? The sour flavour?" I was like Duh because Skittles sour flavour is my favourite. I used to eat about two packets a single day. Then after visiting the dentist, I decided to eat one packet per week. It took a lot of time to control myself. Those days were like living in hell. Lucas made sure to leave only three Skittles pebbles in a small bottle inside the fridge. It was thanks to him that I got control of my Skittles hunger.

"Of course. Let me get it for you." I quickly handed half of the Skittles to him with keeping the other half to myself to eat. He smirked at me when I gave him half. The future me was getting more and more familiar with my character...then again, we're the same person with different ages.


"So? What's the story?"

"I think you received the call from little Focus." He began and I nodded as reply. "Actually Little Focus was sent to the past."